There are no groups associated with this dataset
Installation paths relative to:
Package | Version | Installed Path |
alabaster | 0.7.13 | |
alembic | 1.8.1 | |
appdirs | 1.4.4 | |
arrow | 1.2.3 | |
asttokens | 2.2.1 | |
attrs | 22.2.0 | |
Babel | 2.10.3 | |
backcall | 0.2.0 | |
Beaker | 1.11.0 | |
beautifulsoup4 | 4.11.1 | |
binaryornot | 0.4.4 | |
bleach | 5.0.1 | |
blinker | 1.5 | |
build | 0.10.0 | |
certifi | 2021.10.8 | |
chardet | 5.1.0 | |
charset-normalizer | 2.0.12 | |
ckan | 2.10.0 | |
ckanext-envvars | 0.0.2 | /srv/app/src/ckanext-envvars |
ckanext-spark | 0.0.1 | /srv/app/src_extensions/ckanext-spark |
ckantoolkit | 0.0.7 | |
click | 8.1.3 | |
click-default-group | 1.2.2 | |
cookiecutter | 2.1.1 | |
coverage | 6.5.0 | |
coveralls | 3.3.1 | |
decorator | 5.1.1 | |
Deprecated | 1.2.13 | |
docopt | 0.6.2 | |
docutils | 0.17 | |
dominate | 2.7.0 | |
executing | 1.2.0 | |
factory-boy | 3.2.1 | |
Faker | 14.2.0 | |
feedgen | 0.9.0 | |
Flask | 2.0.3 | |
Flask-Babel | 1.0.0 | |
Flask-DebugToolbar | 0.13.1 | |
Flask-Login | 0.6.1 | |
flask-multistatic | 1.0 | |
Flask-WTF | 1.0.1 | |
freezegun | 1.2.2 | |
gevent | 21.12.0 | |
greenlet | 1.1.2 | |
idna | 3.3 | |
imagesize | 1.4.1 | |
importlib-metadata | 4.11.3 | |
incremental | 22.10.0 | |
inflection | 0.5.1 | |
iniconfig | 2.0.0 | |
ipdb | 0.13.9 | |
ipython | 8.10.0 | |
itsdangerous | 2.1.1 | |
jedi | 0.18.2 | |
Jinja2 | 3.1.2 | |
jinja2-time | 0.2.0 | |
lxml | 4.9.1 | |
Mako | 1.2.2 | |
Markdown | 3.4.1 | |
MarkupSafe | 2.1.1 | |
matplotlib-inline | 0.1.6 | |
more-itertools | 8.13.0 | |
mypy | 0.971 | |
mypy-extensions | 0.4.3 | |
nose | 1.3.7 | |
ordered-set | 4.0.2 | |
packaging | 21.3 | |
parso | 0.8.3 | |
passlib | 1.7.4 | |
pexpect | 4.8.0 | |
pickleshare | 0.7.5 | |
Pillow | 9.2.0 | |
pip | 23.0 | |
pip-tools | 6.8.0 | |
pluggy | 1.0.0 | |
polib | 1.1.1 | |
prompt-toolkit | 3.0.36 | |
psycopg2 | 2.9.3 | |
ptyprocess | 0.7.0 | |
pure-eval | 0.2.2 | |
py | 1.11.0 | |
Pygments | 2.14.0 | |
PyJWT | 2.4.0 | |
pyparsing | 3.0.7 | |
pyproject-hooks | 1.0.0 | |
pysolr | 3.9.0 | |
pytest | 7.1.3 | |
pytest-ckan | 0.0.12 | |
pytest-cov | 3.0.0 | |
pytest-factoryboy | 2.4.0 | |
pytest-freezegun | 0.4.2 | |
pytest-rerunfailures | 10.2 | |
pytest-split | 0.8.0 | |
python-dateutil | 2.8.2 | |
python-magic | 0.4.27 | |
python-slugify | 8.0.0 | |
pytz | 2021.3 | |
pytz-deprecation-shim | 0.1.0.post0 | |
PyUtilib | 6.0.0 | |
PyYAML | 6.0 | |
redis | 4.1.4 | |
requests | 2.28.1 | |
responses | 0.21.0 | |
rq | 1.11.0 | |
setuptools | 59.4.0 | |
simplejson | 3.17.6 | |
six | 1.16.0 | |
snowballstemmer | 2.2.0 | |
soupsieve | 2.4 | |
Sphinx | 5.1.1 | |
sphinx-rtd-theme | 1.0.0 | |
sphinxcontrib-applehelp | 1.0.4 | |
sphinxcontrib-devhelp | 1.0.2 | |
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp | 2.0.1 | |
sphinxcontrib-jsmath | 1.0.1 | |
sphinxcontrib-qthelp | 1.0.3 | |
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml | 1.1.5 | |
SQLAlchemy | 1.4.41 | |
sqlalchemy-stubs | 0.4 | |
sqlalchemy2-stubs | 0.0.2a27 | |
sqlparse | 0.4.2 | |
stack-data | 0.6.2 | |
supervisor | 4.2.5 | |
text-unidecode | 1.3 | |
toml | 0.10.2 | |
tomli | 2.0.1 | |
towncrier | 22.8.0 | |
traitlets | 5.9.0 | |
typing-extensions | 4.3.0 | |
tzdata | 2022.1 | |
tzlocal | 4.2 | |
urllib3 | 1.26.9 | |
watchdog | 2.1.6 | |
wcwidth | 0.2.6 | |
webassets | 2.0 | |
webencodings | 0.5.1 | |
Werkzeug | 2.0.3 | |
wheel | 0.38.4 | |
wrapt | 1.14.0 | |
WTForms | 3.0.1 | |
zipp | 3.7.0 | |
zope.event | 4.4 | |
zope.interface | 5.4.0 |
Resource | Value |
User CPU time | 70.670 msec |
System CPU time | 0.434 msec |
Total CPU time | 71.104 msec |
Elapsed time | 94.051 msec |
Context switches | 39 voluntary, 50 involuntary |
Key | Value |
HTTP_ACCEPT | text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 |
SERVER_PORT | 5000 |
SERVER_SOFTWARE | Werkzeug/2.0.3 |
View Function | args | kwargs |
ckan.views.dataset.groups | [] | id=github_test_2, package_type=dataset |
Variable | Value |
Variable | Value |
'_domain' | None |
'_path' | '/' |
'_accessed_time' | 1737372054.084633 |
'_creation_time' | 1737372054.084633 |
'_fresh' | False |
'_csrf_token' | '9ff330b2dbb8b420e0ac0f2b69fc0cb71182e9db' |
Variable | Value |
Variable | Value |
Key | Value |
__file__ | '/srv/app/ckan.ini' |
api_token.jwt.algorithm | 'HS256' |
api_token.jwt.decode.secret | 'string:Sparkians' |
api_token.jwt.encode.secret | 'string:Sparkians' |
api_token.nbytes | 32 |
apikey_header_name | 'X-CKAN-API-Key' |
BABEL_DOMAIN | 'ckan' |
BABEL_TRANSLATION_DIRECTORIES | '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckan/i18n' | | False |
beaker.session.cookie_domain | None |
beaker.session.cookie_expires | False |
beaker.session.key | 'ckan' |
beaker.session.save_accessed_time | True |
beaker.session.secret | 'Sparkians' | | False |
beaker.session.timeout | 600 |
cache_dir | '/tmp/default' |
ckan.activity_list_limit | 31 |
ckan.activity_list_limit_max | 100 |
ckan.activity_streams_email_notifications | False |
ckan.activity_streams_enabled | True |
ckan.admin_tabs | {} |
ckan.auth.allow_admin_collaborators | False |
ckan.auth.allow_collaborators_to_change_owner_org | False |
ckan.auth.allow_dataset_collaborators | False |
ckan.auth.anon_create_dataset | False |
ckan.auth.create_dataset_if_not_in_organization | True |
ckan.auth.create_default_api_keys | False |
ckan.auth.create_unowned_dataset | False |
ckan.auth.create_user_via_api | False |
ckan.auth.create_user_via_web | True |
ckan.auth.enable_cookie_auth_in_api | True |
ckan.auth.login_view | 'user.login' |
ckan.auth.public_activity_stream_detail | False |
ckan.auth.public_user_details | True |
ckan.auth.reveal_private_datasets | False |
ckan.auth.roles_that_cascade_to_sub_groups | ['admin'] |
ckan.auth.route_after_login | 'dashboard.datasets' |
ckan.auth.user_create_groups | True |
ckan.auth.user_create_organizations | True |
ckan.auth.user_delete_groups | True |
ckan.auth.user_delete_organizations | True |
ckan.base_public_folder | 'public' |
ckan.base_templates_folder | 'templates' |
ckan.cache_enabled | False |
ckan.cache_expires | 0 |
ckan.cors.origin_allow_all | False |
ckan.cors.origin_whitelist | [] |
ckan.csrf_protection.ignore_extensions | True |
ckan.datapusher.api_token | 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJVUTlGWEd2b3BkQ29PMjlSbFh2OXRLZ2tYOGc3S21hQm9DdnBMdmkzdFBjIiwiaWF0IjoxNzM3Mjc0ODQzfQ.KbWGRe0Vxit6WTngWHGZwrMjhD_0WoYxHQJWR1VRIco' |
ckan.datapusher.assume_task_stale_after | 3600 |
ckan.datapusher.callback_url_base | 'http://ckan:5000' |
ckan.datapusher.formats | ['csv', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'tsv', 'application/csv', 'application/', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'ods', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet'] |
ckan.datapusher.url | 'http://datapusher:8800' |
ckan.dataset.create_on_ui_requires_resources | True |
ckan.datasets_per_page | 20 |
ckan.datastore.default_fts_index_method | 'gist' |
ckan.datastore.default_fts_lang | 'english' |
ckan.datastore.read_url | 'postgresql://datastore_ro:Sparkians@db/datastore' | | 100 | | 32000 |
ckan.datastore.sqlalchemy.pool_pre_ping | True |
ckan.datastore.sqlsearch.allowed_functions_file | '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/datastore/allowed_functions.txt' |
ckan.datastore.sqlsearch.enabled | False |
ckan.datastore.write_url | 'postgresql://ckan:ckan@db/datastore' |
ckan.debug_supress_header | False |
ckan.default.group_type | 'group' |
ckan.default.organization_type | 'organization' |
ckan.default.package_type | 'dataset' |
ckan.default_group_sort | 'title' | | 'localhost' |
ckan.devserver.multiprocess | 1 |
ckan.devserver.port | 5000 |
ckan.devserver.ssl_cert | '' |
ckan.devserver.ssl_key | '' |
ckan.devserver.threaded | False |
ckan.devserver.watch_patterns | [] |
ckan.display_timezone | 'UTC' |
ckan.dumps_format | '' |
ckan.dumps_url | '' |
ckan.email_notifications_since | '2 days' |
ckan.extra_resource_fields | [] |
ckan.favicon | '/base/images/ckan.ico' |
ckan.featured_groups | [] |
ckan.featured_orgs | [] |
ckan.feeds.author_link | '' |
ckan.feeds.author_name | '' |
ckan.feeds.authority_name | '' | | '' |
ckan.feeds.limit | 20 |
ckan.gravatar_default | 'identicon' |
ckan.group_and_organization_list_all_fields_max | 25 |
ckan.group_and_organization_list_max | 1000 | | 'redis' | | '6379' | | '1' | | 'redis' |
ckan.hide_activity_from_users | ['default'] |
ckan.hide_version | False |
ckan.homepage_style | '1' |
ckan.i18n.extra_directory | '' |
ckan.i18n.extra_gettext_domain | '' |
ckan.i18n.extra_locales | [] |
ckan.i18n.rtl_languages | ['he', 'ar', 'fa_IR'] |
ckan.i18n.rtl_theme | 'css/main-rtl' |
ckan.i18n_directory | '' | | 180 |
ckan.legacy_route_mappings | '{}' |
ckan.locale_default | 'en' |
ckan.locale_order | [] |
ckan.locales_filtered_out | [] |
ckan.locales_offered | [] |
ckan.max_image_size | 2 |
ckan.max_resource_size | 10 |
ckan.mimetype_guess | 'file_ext' |
ckan.plugins | 'image_view text_view recline_view datastore datapusher spark envvars' |
ckan.preview.image_formats | 'png jpeg jpg gif' |
ckan.preview.json_formats | 'json' |
ckan.preview.jsonp_formats | 'jsonp' |
ckan.preview.text_formats | 'text/plain txt plain' |
ckan.preview.xml_formats | 'xml rdf rdf+xml owl+xml atom rss' |
ckan.recaptcha.privatekey | '' |
ckan.recaptcha.publickey | '' |
ckan.recline.dataproxy_url | '//' |
ckan.redirect_to_login_if_not_authorized | True |
ckan.redis.url | 'redis://redis:6379/1' |
ckan.requests.timeout | 5 |
ckan.resource_formats | '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckan/config/resource_formats.json' |
ckan.resource_proxy.timeout | 5 |
ckan.root_path | '' | | True | | 'score desc, metadata_modified desc' | | True | | 1000 | | 'dataset' | | True |
ckan.site_about | 'This site provides consolidated data about all the datasets present in SPARK!' |
ckan.site_custom_css | '' |
ckan.site_description | '' |
ckan.site_id | 'default' |
ckan.site_intro_text | '' |
ckan.site_logo | '' |
ckan.site_title | 'DATA@SPARK!' |
ckan.site_url | '' |
ckan.static_max_age | 3600 |
ckan.storage_path | '/var/lib/ckan' |
ckan.template_footer_end | '' |
ckan.template_head_end | '' |
ckan.template_title_delimiter | '-' |
ckan.theme | 'ckanext-spark/main.css' |
ckan.tracking_enabled | False | | [] | | [] |
ckan.upload.user.mimetypes | [] |
ckan.upload.user.types | [] |
ckan.user.last_active_interval | 600 |
ckan.user_list_limit | 20 |
ckan.user_reset_landing_page | 'home.index' |
ckan.valid_url_schemes | ['http', 'https', 'ftp'] |
ckan.views.default_views | ['image_view', 'datatables_view'] |
ckan.webassets.path | '' |
ckan.webassets.use_x_sendfile | False |
CKAN___API_TOKEN__JWT__DECODE__SECRET | 'string:Sparkians' |
CKAN___API_TOKEN__JWT__ENCODE__SECRET | 'string:Sparkians' |
CKAN__DATAPUSHER__CALLBACK_URL_BASE | 'http://ckan:5000' |
CKAN__HARVEST__MQ__PORT | '6379' |
CKAN__HARVEST__MQ__TYPE | 'redis' |
CKAN__PLUGINS | 'image_view text_view recline_view datastore datapusher spark envvars' |
CKAN__THEME | 'ckanext-spark/main.css' |
CKAN_CONFIG | '/srv/app/ckan.ini' |
ckan_config | '/srv/app/ckan.ini' |
ckan_container_name | 'ckan' |
CKAN_DATAPUSHER_URL | 'http://datapusher:8800' |
ckan_datapusher_url | 'http://datapusher:8800' |
CKAN_DATASTORE_READ_URL | 'postgresql://datastore_ro:Sparkians@db/datastore' |
ckan_datastore_read_url | 'postgresql://datastore_ro:Sparkians@db/datastore' |
CKAN_DATASTORE_WRITE_URL | 'postgresql://ckan:ckan@db/datastore' |
ckan_datastore_write_url | 'postgresql://ckan:ckan@db/datastore' |
CKAN_INI | '/srv/app/ckan.ini' |
ckan_ini | '/srv/app/ckan.ini' |
CKAN_PORT | '5000' |
ckan_port | '5000' |
CKAN_PORT_HOST | '5000' |
ckan_port_host | '5000' |
CKAN_REDIS_URL | 'redis://redis:6379/1' |
ckan_redis_url | 'redis://redis:6379/1' |
CKAN_SITE_ID | 'default' |
ckan_site_id | 'default' |
ckan_site_url | '' |
CKAN_SMTP_MAIL_FROM | 'ckan@localhost' |
ckan_smtp_mail_from | 'ckan@localhost' |
ckan_smtp_password | 'pass' |
CKAN_SMTP_SERVER | 'smtp.corporateict.domain:25' |
ckan_smtp_server | 'smtp.corporateict.domain:25' |
ckan_smtp_starttls | 'True' |
CKAN_SMTP_USER | 'user' |
ckan_smtp_user | 'user' |
CKAN_SOLR_URL | 'http://solr:8983/solr/ckan' |
ckan_solr_url | 'http://solr:8983/solr/ckan' |
CKAN_SQLALCHEMY_URL | 'postgresql://ckan:ckan@db/ckan' |
ckan_sqlalchemy_url | 'postgresql://ckan:ckan@db/ckan' |
CKAN_STORAGE_PATH | '/var/lib/ckan' |
ckan_storage_path | '/var/lib/ckan' |
CKAN_SYSADMIN_EMAIL | '[email protected]' |
ckan_sysadmin_email | '[email protected]' |
CKAN_SYSADMIN_NAME | 'ckan_admin' |
ckan_sysadmin_name | 'ckan_admin' |
ckan_sysadmin_password | 'Sparkians' |
CKAN_VERSION | '2.9.7' |
ckan_version | '2.9.7' |
clear_logo_upload | '' |
computed_template_paths | ['/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/imageview/theme/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/textview/theme/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/reclineview/theme/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/datastore/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/datapusher/templates', '/srv/app/src_extensions/ckanext-spark/ckanext/spark/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckan/templates'] |
config.mode | 'default' |
DEBUG | True |
debug | True |
DEBUG_TB_PANELS | ('flask_debugtoolbar.panels.versions.VersionDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.timer.TimerDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.headers.HeaderDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.request_vars.RequestVarsDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.config_vars.ConfigVarsDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.template.TemplateDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemyDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.logger.LoggingPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.route_list.RouteListDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.profiler.ProfilerDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.g.GDebugPanel') |
email_to | '' |
ENV | 'production' |
error_email_from | '' |
extra_public_paths | '' |
extra_template_paths | '' |
here | '/srv/app' |
JSONIFY_MIMETYPE | 'application/json' |
licenses_group_url | '' |
logo_upload | '' |
package_edit_return_url | '' |
package_hide_extras | [] |
package_new_return_url | '' |
PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME | datetime.timedelta(days=31) |
plugin_public_paths | ['/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/textview/theme/public', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/reclineview/theme/public', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/datapusher/public', '/srv/app/src_extensions/ckanext-spark/ckanext/spark/public'] |
plugin_template_paths | ['/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/imageview/theme/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/textview/theme/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/reclineview/theme/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/datastore/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/datapusher/templates', '/srv/app/src_extensions/ckanext-spark/ckanext/spark/templates'] |
REMEMBER_COOKIE_NAME | 'remember_token' |
search.facets | ['organization', 'groups', 'tags', 'res_format', 'license_id'] |
search.facets.default | 10 |
search.facets.limit | 50 |
SECRET_KEY | 'Sparkians' |
smtp.mail_from | 'ckan@localhost' |
smtp.password | 'pass' |
smtp.reply_to | '' |
smtp.server | 'smtp.corporateict.domain:25' |
smtp.starttls | 'True' |
smtp.user | 'user' |
solr_password | '' |
solr_timeout | 60 |
solr_url | 'http://solr:8983/solr/ckan' |
solr_user | '' |
sqlalchemy.pool_pre_ping | True |
sqlalchemy.url | 'postgresql://ckan:ckan@db/ckan' |
TESTING | False |
testing | False |
use | 'egg:ckan' |
WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME | '_csrf_token' |
WTF_CSRF_HEADERS | ['X-CSRFToken', 'X-CSRF-Token'] |
WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY | 'qFeb6AkYzOcFYWTKQ6LxE2e7jrD1RJysuTXxx-msz8Q' |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7fcb8a898b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7fcb7f349f90> |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7fcb8ab0c040>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7fcb8ab0c0d0>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7fcb8ab0c1f0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7fcb8ab0c310>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7fcb8ab0c3a0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c430>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7fcb8ab0c550>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c5e0>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c670>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7fcb8ab0c700>, 'strxfrm': <function strxfrm at 0x7fcb8ab0c790>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7fcb8ab0c820>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7fcb8ab0c8b0>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7fcb8ab0c940>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7fcb8ab0c9d0>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7fcb8ab0ca60>, 'flash_error': <function flash_error at 0x7fcb8ab0caf0>, 'flash_success': <function flash_success at 0x7fcb8ab0cb80>, 'get_flashed_messages': <function get_flashed_messages at 0x7fcb8ab0cc10>, 'link_to': <function link_to at 0x7fcb8ab0ce50>, 'nav_link': <function nav_link at 0x7fcb8ab0cee0>, 'build_nav_main': <function build_nav_main at 0x7fcb8ab0cf70>, 'build_nav_icon': <function build_nav_icon at 0x7fcb8ab0d000>, 'build_nav': <function build_nav at 0x7fcb8ab0d090>, 'build_extra_admin_nav': <function build_extra_admin_nav at 0x7fcb8ab0d1b0>, 'default_group_type': <function default_group_type at 0x7fcb8ab0d2d0>, 'default_package_type': <function default_package_type at 0x7fcb8ab0d360>, 'humanize_entity_type': <function humanize_entity_type at 0x7fcb8ab0d480>, 'get_facet_items_dict': <function get_facet_items_dict at 0x7fcb8ab0d510>, 'has_more_facets': <function has_more_facets at 0x7fcb8ab0d5a0>, 'get_param_int': <function get_param_int at 0x7fcb8ab0d630>, 'sorted_extras': <function sorted_extras at 0x7fcb8ab0d750>, 'check_access': <function check_access at 0x7fcb8ab0d7e0>, 'linked_user': <function linked_user at 0x7fcb8ab0d870>, 'group_name_to_title': <function group_name_to_title at 0x7fcb8ab0d900>, 'wrapped': <function deprecated.<locals>.decorator.<locals>.wrapped at 0x7fcb8ab0dab0>, 'markdown_extract': <function markdown_extract at 0x7fcb8ab0d990>, 'dict_list_reduce': <function dict_list_reduce at 0x7fcb8ab0db40>, 'gravatar': <function gravatar at 0x7fcb8ab0dbd0>, 'sanitize_url': <function sanitize_url at 0x7fcb8ab0dc60>, 'user_image': <function user_image at 0x7fcb8ab0dcf0>, 'pager_url': <function pager_url at 0x7fcb8ab0dd80>, 'get_page_number': <function get_page_number at 0x7fcb8ab0de10>, 'get_display_timezone': <function get_display_timezone at 0x7fcb8ab0dea0>, 'render_datetime': <function render_datetime at 0x7fcb8ab0df30>, 'date_str_to_datetime': <function date_str_to_datetime at 0x7fcb8ab0dfc0>, 'parse_rfc_2822_date': <function parse_rfc_2822_date at 0x7fcb8ab0e050>, 'time_ago_from_timestamp': <function time_ago_from_timestamp at 0x7fcb8ab0e0e0>, 'dataset_display_name': <function dataset_display_name at 0x7fcb8ab0e3b0>, 'dataset_link': <function dataset_link at 0x7fcb8ab0e440>, 'resource_display_name': <function resource_display_name at 0x7fcb8ab0e4d0>, 'resource_link': <function resource_link at 0x7fcb8ab0e560>, 'tag_link': <function tag_link at 0x7fcb8ab0e5f0>, 'group_link': <function group_link at 0x7fcb8ab0e680>, 'organization_link': <function organization_link at 0x7fcb8ab0e710>, 'dump_json': <function dump_json at 0x7fcb8ab0e7a0>, 'snippet': <function snippet at 0x7fcb8ab0e830>, 'convert_to_dict': <function convert_to_dict at 0x7fcb8ab0e8c0>, 'follow_button': <function follow_button at 0x7fcb8ab0e950>, 'follow_count': <function follow_count at 0x7fcb8ab0e9e0>, 'add_url_param': <function add_url_param at 0x7fcb8ab0eb00>, 'remove_url_param': <function remove_url_param at 0x7fcb8ab0eb90>, 'debug_inspect': <function debug_inspect at 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request | <Request '' [GET]> |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1737372054.084633, '_creation_time': 1737372054.084633, '_fresh': False, '_csrf_token': '9ff330b2dbb8b420e0ac0f2b69fc0cb71182e9db'} |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7fcb8c8ac310> |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7fcb8a898b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7fcb7f349f90> |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7fcb8ab0c040>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7fcb8ab0c0d0>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7fcb8ab0c1f0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7fcb8ab0c310>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7fcb8ab0c3a0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c430>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7fcb8ab0c550>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c5e0>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c670>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7fcb8ab0c700>, 'strxfrm': <function strxfrm at 0x7fcb8ab0c790>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7fcb8ab0c820>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7fcb8ab0c8b0>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7fcb8ab0c940>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7fcb8ab0c9d0>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7fcb8ab0ca60>, 'flash_error': 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'resource_view_is_filterable': <function resource_view_is_filterable at 0x7fcb8ab0f490>, 'resource_view_get_fields': <function resource_view_get_fields at 0x7fcb8ab0f520>, 'resource_view_is_iframed': <function resource_view_is_iframed at 0x7fcb8ab0f5b0>, 'resource_view_icon': <function resource_view_icon at 0x7fcb8ab0f640>, 'resource_view_display_preview': <function resource_view_display_preview at 0x7fcb8ab0f6d0>, 'resource_view_full_page': <function resource_view_full_page at 0x7fcb8ab0f760>, 'remove_linebreaks': <function remove_linebreaks at 0x7fcb8ab0f7f0>, 'list_dict_filter': <function list_dict_filter at 0x7fcb8ab0f880>, 'SI_number_span': <function SI_number_span at 0x7fcb8ab0f910>, 'uploads_enabled': <function uploads_enabled at 0x7fcb8ab0f9a0>, 'get_featured_organizations': <function get_featured_organizations at 0x7fcb8ab0fa30>, 'get_featured_groups': <function get_featured_groups at 0x7fcb8ab0fac0>, 'featured_group_org': <function featured_group_org at 0x7fcb8ab0fb50>, 'get_site_statistics': <function get_site_statistics at 0x7fcb8ab0fbe0>, 'resource_formats': <function resource_formats at 0x7fcb8ab0fd00>, 'unified_resource_format': <function unified_resource_format at 0x7fcb8ab0fd90>, 'check_config_permission': <function check_config_permission at 0x7fcb8ab0fe20>, 'get_organization': <function get_organization at 0x7fcb8ab0feb0>, 'license_options': <function license_options at 0x7fcb8ab0ff40>, 'get_translated': <function get_translated at 0x7fcb8ab10040>, 'facets': <function facets at 0x7fcb8ab100d0>, 'mail_to': <function mail_to at 0x7fcb8ab10160>, 'clean_html': <function clean_html at 0x7fcb8ab101f0>, 'flash': <function flash at 0x7fcb8e70e170>, 'localised_number': <function localised_number at 0x7fcb8ba6a320>, 'localised_SI_number': <function localised_SI_number at 0x7fcb8ba6a440>, 'localised_nice_date': <function localised_nice_date at 0x7fcb8ba6a290>, 'localised_filesize': <function localised_filesize at 0x7fcb8ba6a3b0>, 'plugin_loaded': 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pkg | {'author': None, 'author_email': None, 'creator_user_id': 'a91fe64b-e675-4044-840f-922002dce905', 'id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'isopen': False, 'license_id': None, 'license_title': None, 'maintainer': None, 'maintainer_email': None, 'metadata_created': '2023-08-17T05:01:15.635367', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.044559', 'name': 'github_test_2', 'notes': 'This project focuses on assembling data and conceptualizing models to estimate models of systemic sexism, racism and other biases among economics department faculties. The fraction of minorities and women at top universities has plateaued after a few decades of gradual improvement. This project tries to understand why.\r\n\r\nWe already have collected the names and substantial amounts of detailed information, including pictures from their web site, about US Economics Department faculty at the top ~100 departments, containing information about approximately 4000 faculty members building on a database previously collected by James Hasselbeck linked here file. I arranged to update it in spring/summer 2022 to contain AY22 information about the same departments, and would like to repeat that effort again this spring 2023 so that we will have three years of panel data at the department level. This will enable us to model CHANGES in faculty at these departments (hiring, promotions and departures).', 'num_resources': 2, 'num_tags': 0, 'organization': {'id': '5caa0bf1-3a54-47fc-9cf1-b656899d87d0', 'name': 'buspark', 'title': 'buspark', 'type': 'organization', 'description': 'temporary buspark organization for testing scripts', 'image_url': '', 'created': '2023-06-12T03:49:59.480742', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '5caa0bf1-3a54-47fc-9cf1-b656899d87d0', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'github_test_2', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': '', 'version': None, 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2023-08-17T05:01:16.984339', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': None, 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': '928efb18-de78-4909-8482-4827d65836fb', 'last_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:16.972744', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.049774', 'mimetype': None, 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'OCPF_Police_Individual', 'package_id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 1984906, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.053364', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': None, 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': '377fe5ae-ee4a-4a09-b269-2311976bb33e', 'last_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.037417', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.050027', 'mimetype': None, 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'OCPF_Police_Union', 'package_id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'position': 1, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 63154, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []} |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1737372054.084633, '_creation_time': 1737372054.084633, '_fresh': False, '_csrf_token': '9ff330b2dbb8b420e0ac0f2b69fc0cb71182e9db'} |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7fcb8c8ac310> |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7fcb8a898b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7fcb7f349f90> |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7fcb8ab0c040>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7fcb8ab0c0d0>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7fcb8ab0c1f0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7fcb8ab0c310>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7fcb8ab0c3a0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c430>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7fcb8ab0c550>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c5e0>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c670>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7fcb8ab0c700>, 'strxfrm': <function strxfrm at 0x7fcb8ab0c790>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7fcb8ab0c820>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7fcb8ab0c8b0>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7fcb8ab0c940>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7fcb8ab0c9d0>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7fcb8ab0ca60>, 'flash_error': 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has_context_title | True |
organization | {'approval_status': 'approved', 'created': '2023-06-12T03:49:59.480742', 'description': 'temporary buspark organization for testing scripts', 'display_name': 'buspark', 'id': '5caa0bf1-3a54-47fc-9cf1-b656899d87d0', 'image_display_url': '', 'image_url': '', 'is_organization': True, 'name': 'buspark', 'num_followers': 0, 'package_count': 12, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'buspark', 'type': 'organization', 'users': [{'about': None, 'activity_streams_email_notifications': False, 'capacity': 'admin', 'created': '2023-06-08T15:20:48.556813', 'display_name': 'Andy Yang', 'email_hash': 'b621ffb986ad46052f994d0bf58c7211', 'fullname': 'Andy Yang', 'id': 'a91fe64b-e675-4044-840f-922002dce905', 'image_display_url': '', 'image_url': '', 'last_active': '2023-08-17T05:00:53.984229', 'name': 'ayang903', 'number_created_packages': 11, 'state': 'active', 'sysadmin': True}], 'extras': [], 'tags': [], 'groups': []} |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1737372054.084633, '_creation_time': 1737372054.084633, '_fresh': False, '_csrf_token': '9ff330b2dbb8b420e0ac0f2b69fc0cb71182e9db'} |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7fcb8c8ac310> |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7fcb8a898b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7fcb7f349f90> |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7fcb8ab0c040>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7fcb8ab0c0d0>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7fcb8ab0c1f0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7fcb8ab0c310>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7fcb8ab0c3a0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c430>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7fcb8ab0c550>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c5e0>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c670>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7fcb8ab0c700>, 'strxfrm': <function strxfrm at 0x7fcb8ab0c790>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7fcb8ab0c820>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7fcb8ab0c8b0>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7fcb8ab0c940>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7fcb8ab0c9d0>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7fcb8ab0ca60>, 'flash_error': 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0x7fcb89f3a560>, 'datastore_dictionary': <function datastore_dictionary at 0x7fcb89f87250>, 'datapusher_status': <function datapusher_status at 0x7fcb89fe1360>, 'datapusher_status_description': <function datapusher_status_description at 0x7fcb89fe13f0>, 'spark_all_packages': <function all_packages at 0x7fcb89fe2170>, 'spark_featured_datasets': <function featured_datasets at 0x7fcb89fe2290>, 'spark_popular_datasets': <function popular_datasets at 0x7fcb89fe2320>, 'spark_groups': <function all_groups at 0x7fcb89fe23b0>} |
pkg | {'author': None, 'author_email': None, 'creator_user_id': 'a91fe64b-e675-4044-840f-922002dce905', 'id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'isopen': False, 'license_id': None, 'license_title': None, 'maintainer': None, 'maintainer_email': None, 'metadata_created': '2023-08-17T05:01:15.635367', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.044559', 'name': 'github_test_2', 'notes': 'This project focuses on assembling data and conceptualizing models to estimate models of systemic sexism, racism and other biases among economics department faculties. The fraction of minorities and women at top universities has plateaued after a few decades of gradual improvement. This project tries to understand why.\r\n\r\nWe already have collected the names and substantial amounts of detailed information, including pictures from their web site, about US Economics Department faculty at the top ~100 departments, containing information about approximately 4000 faculty members building on a database previously collected by James Hasselbeck linked here file. I arranged to update it in spring/summer 2022 to contain AY22 information about the same departments, and would like to repeat that effort again this spring 2023 so that we will have three years of panel data at the department level. This will enable us to model CHANGES in faculty at these departments (hiring, promotions and departures).', 'num_resources': 2, 'num_tags': 0, 'organization': {'id': '5caa0bf1-3a54-47fc-9cf1-b656899d87d0', 'name': 'buspark', 'title': 'buspark', 'type': 'organization', 'description': 'temporary buspark organization for testing scripts', 'image_url': '', 'created': '2023-06-12T03:49:59.480742', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '5caa0bf1-3a54-47fc-9cf1-b656899d87d0', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'github_test_2', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': '', 'version': None, 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2023-08-17T05:01:16.984339', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': None, 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': '928efb18-de78-4909-8482-4827d65836fb', 'last_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:16.972744', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.049774', 'mimetype': None, 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'OCPF_Police_Individual', 'package_id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 1984906, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.053364', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': None, 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': '377fe5ae-ee4a-4a09-b269-2311976bb33e', 'last_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.037417', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.050027', 'mimetype': None, 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'OCPF_Police_Union', 'package_id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'position': 1, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 63154, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []} |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1737372054.084633, '_creation_time': 1737372054.084633, '_fresh': False, '_csrf_token': '9ff330b2dbb8b420e0ac0f2b69fc0cb71182e9db'} |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7fcb8c8ac310> |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7fcb8a898b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7fcb7f349f90> |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7fcb8ab0c040>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7fcb8ab0c0d0>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7fcb8ab0c1f0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7fcb8ab0c310>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7fcb8ab0c3a0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c430>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7fcb8ab0c550>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c5e0>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c670>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7fcb8ab0c700>, 'strxfrm': <function strxfrm at 0x7fcb8ab0c790>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7fcb8ab0c820>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7fcb8ab0c8b0>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7fcb8ab0c940>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7fcb8ab0c9d0>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7fcb8ab0ca60>, 'flash_error': <function flash_error at 0x7fcb8ab0caf0>, 'flash_success': <function flash_success at 0x7fcb8ab0cb80>, 'get_flashed_messages': <function get_flashed_messages at 0x7fcb8ab0cc10>, 'link_to': <function link_to at 0x7fcb8ab0ce50>, 'nav_link': <function nav_link at 0x7fcb8ab0cee0>, 'build_nav_main': <function build_nav_main at 0x7fcb8ab0cf70>, 'build_nav_icon': <function build_nav_icon at 0x7fcb8ab0d000>, 'build_nav': <function build_nav at 0x7fcb8ab0d090>, 'build_extra_admin_nav': <function build_extra_admin_nav at 0x7fcb8ab0d1b0>, 'default_group_type': <function default_group_type at 0x7fcb8ab0d2d0>, 'default_package_type': <function default_package_type at 0x7fcb8ab0d360>, 'humanize_entity_type': <function humanize_entity_type at 0x7fcb8ab0d480>, 'get_facet_items_dict': <function get_facet_items_dict at 0x7fcb8ab0d510>, 'has_more_facets': <function has_more_facets at 0x7fcb8ab0d5a0>, 'get_param_int': <function get_param_int at 0x7fcb8ab0d630>, 'sorted_extras': <function sorted_extras at 0x7fcb8ab0d750>, 'check_access': <function check_access at 0x7fcb8ab0d7e0>, 'linked_user': <function linked_user at 0x7fcb8ab0d870>, 'group_name_to_title': <function group_name_to_title at 0x7fcb8ab0d900>, 'wrapped': <function deprecated.<locals>.decorator.<locals>.wrapped at 0x7fcb8ab0dab0>, 'markdown_extract': <function markdown_extract at 0x7fcb8ab0d990>, 'dict_list_reduce': <function dict_list_reduce at 0x7fcb8ab0db40>, 'gravatar': <function gravatar at 0x7fcb8ab0dbd0>, 'sanitize_url': <function sanitize_url at 0x7fcb8ab0dc60>, 'user_image': <function user_image at 0x7fcb8ab0dcf0>, 'pager_url': <function pager_url at 0x7fcb8ab0dd80>, 'get_page_number': <function get_page_number at 0x7fcb8ab0de10>, 'get_display_timezone': <function get_display_timezone at 0x7fcb8ab0dea0>, 'render_datetime': <function render_datetime at 0x7fcb8ab0df30>, 'date_str_to_datetime': <function date_str_to_datetime at 0x7fcb8ab0dfc0>, 'parse_rfc_2822_date': <function parse_rfc_2822_date at 0x7fcb8ab0e050>, 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0x7fcb8ab0ec20>, 'popular': <function popular at 0x7fcb8ab0ecb0>, 'groups_available': <function groups_available at 0x7fcb8ab0ed40>, 'organizations_available': <function organizations_available at 0x7fcb8ab0edd0>, 'roles_translated': <function roles_translated at 0x7fcb8ab0ee60>, 'user_in_org_or_group': <function user_in_org_or_group at 0x7fcb8ab0eef0>, 'escape_js': <function escape_js at 0x7fcb8ab0ef80>, 'get_pkg_dict_extra': <function get_pkg_dict_extra at 0x7fcb8ab0f010>, 'get_request_param': <function get_request_param at 0x7fcb8ab0f0a0>, 'html_auto_link': <function html_auto_link at 0x7fcb8ab0f130>, 'render_markdown': <function render_markdown at 0x7fcb8ab0f1c0>, 'format_resource_items': <function format_resource_items at 0x7fcb8ab0f250>, 'get_allowed_view_types': <function get_allowed_view_types at 0x7fcb8ab0f2e0>, 'rendered_resource_view': <function rendered_resource_view at 0x7fcb8ab0f370>, 'view_resource_url': <function view_resource_url at 0x7fcb8ab0f400>, 'resource_view_is_filterable': <function resource_view_is_filterable at 0x7fcb8ab0f490>, 'resource_view_get_fields': <function resource_view_get_fields at 0x7fcb8ab0f520>, 'resource_view_is_iframed': <function resource_view_is_iframed at 0x7fcb8ab0f5b0>, 'resource_view_icon': <function resource_view_icon at 0x7fcb8ab0f640>, 'resource_view_display_preview': <function resource_view_display_preview at 0x7fcb8ab0f6d0>, 'resource_view_full_page': <function resource_view_full_page at 0x7fcb8ab0f760>, 'remove_linebreaks': <function remove_linebreaks at 0x7fcb8ab0f7f0>, 'list_dict_filter': <function list_dict_filter at 0x7fcb8ab0f880>, 'SI_number_span': <function SI_number_span at 0x7fcb8ab0f910>, 'uploads_enabled': <function uploads_enabled at 0x7fcb8ab0f9a0>, 'get_featured_organizations': <function get_featured_organizations at 0x7fcb8ab0fa30>, 'get_featured_groups': <function get_featured_groups at 0x7fcb8ab0fac0>, 'featured_group_org': <function featured_group_org at 0x7fcb8ab0fb50>, 'get_site_statistics': <function get_site_statistics at 0x7fcb8ab0fbe0>, 'resource_formats': <function resource_formats at 0x7fcb8ab0fd00>, 'unified_resource_format': <function unified_resource_format at 0x7fcb8ab0fd90>, 'check_config_permission': <function check_config_permission at 0x7fcb8ab0fe20>, 'get_organization': <function get_organization at 0x7fcb8ab0feb0>, 'license_options': <function license_options at 0x7fcb8ab0ff40>, 'get_translated': <function get_translated at 0x7fcb8ab10040>, 'facets': <function facets at 0x7fcb8ab100d0>, 'mail_to': <function mail_to at 0x7fcb8ab10160>, 'clean_html': <function clean_html at 0x7fcb8ab101f0>, 'flash': <function flash at 0x7fcb8e70e170>, 'localised_number': <function localised_number at 0x7fcb8ba6a320>, 'localised_SI_number': <function localised_SI_number at 0x7fcb8ba6a440>, 'localised_nice_date': <function localised_nice_date at 0x7fcb8ba6a290>, 'localised_filesize': <function localised_filesize at 0x7fcb8ba6a3b0>, 'plugin_loaded': <function plugin_loaded at 0x7fcb8c077be0>, 'get_available_locales': <function get_available_locales at 0x7fcb8ba69e10>, 'get_locales_dict': <function get_locales_dict at 0x7fcb8ba69d80>, 'literal': <class 'ckan.lib.helpers.literal'>, 'asbool': <function asbool at 0x7fcb8c8acd30>, 'urlencode': <function urlencode at 0x7fcb8fa6e3b0>, 'include_asset': <function include_asset at 0x7fcb8aaff9a0>, 'render_assets': <function render_assets at 0x7fcb8aaffac0>, 'sanitize_id': <function sanitize_id at 0x7fcb8ab10310>, 'get_collaborators': <function get_collaborators at 0x7fcb8ab103a0>, 'can_update_owner_org': <function can_update_owner_org at 0x7fcb8ab10430>, 'decode_view_request_filters': <function decode_view_request_filters at 0x7fcb8ab104c0>, 'check_ckan_version': <function check_ckan_version at 0x7fcb8ab10550>, 'csrf_input': <function csrf_input at 0x7fcb8ab10670>, 'get_map_config': <function get_mapview_config at 0x7fcb89f3a4d0>, 'get_dataproxy_url': <function get_dataproxy_url at 0x7fcb89f3a560>, 'datastore_dictionary': <function datastore_dictionary at 0x7fcb89f87250>, 'datapusher_status': <function datapusher_status at 0x7fcb89fe1360>, 'datapusher_status_description': <function datapusher_status_description at 0x7fcb89fe13f0>, 'spark_all_packages': <function all_packages at 0x7fcb89fe2170>, 'spark_featured_datasets': <function featured_datasets at 0x7fcb89fe2290>, 'spark_popular_datasets': <function popular_datasets at 0x7fcb89fe2320>, 'spark_groups': <function all_groups at 0x7fcb89fe23b0>} |
pkg | {'author': None, 'author_email': None, 'creator_user_id': 'a91fe64b-e675-4044-840f-922002dce905', 'id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'isopen': False, 'license_id': None, 'license_title': None, 'maintainer': None, 'maintainer_email': None, 'metadata_created': '2023-08-17T05:01:15.635367', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.044559', 'name': 'github_test_2', 'notes': 'This project focuses on assembling data and conceptualizing models to estimate models of systemic sexism, racism and other biases among economics department faculties. The fraction of minorities and women at top universities has plateaued after a few decades of gradual improvement. This project tries to understand why.\r\n\r\nWe already have collected the names and substantial amounts of detailed information, including pictures from their web site, about US Economics Department faculty at the top ~100 departments, containing information about approximately 4000 faculty members building on a database previously collected by James Hasselbeck linked here file. I arranged to update it in spring/summer 2022 to contain AY22 information about the same departments, and would like to repeat that effort again this spring 2023 so that we will have three years of panel data at the department level. This will enable us to model CHANGES in faculty at these departments (hiring, promotions and departures).', 'num_resources': 2, 'num_tags': 0, 'organization': {'id': '5caa0bf1-3a54-47fc-9cf1-b656899d87d0', 'name': 'buspark', 'title': 'buspark', 'type': 'organization', 'description': 'temporary buspark organization for testing scripts', 'image_url': '', 'created': '2023-06-12T03:49:59.480742', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '5caa0bf1-3a54-47fc-9cf1-b656899d87d0', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'github_test_2', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': '', 'version': None, 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2023-08-17T05:01:16.984339', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': None, 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': '928efb18-de78-4909-8482-4827d65836fb', 'last_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:16.972744', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.049774', 'mimetype': None, 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'OCPF_Police_Individual', 'package_id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 1984906, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.053364', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': None, 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': '377fe5ae-ee4a-4a09-b269-2311976bb33e', 'last_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.037417', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.050027', 'mimetype': None, 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'OCPF_Police_Union', 'package_id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'position': 1, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 63154, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []} |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1737372054.084633, '_creation_time': 1737372054.084633, '_fresh': False, '_csrf_token': '9ff330b2dbb8b420e0ac0f2b69fc0cb71182e9db'} |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7fcb8c8ac310> |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7fcb8a898b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7fcb7f349f90> |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7fcb8ab0c040>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7fcb8ab0c0d0>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7fcb8ab0c1f0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7fcb8ab0c310>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7fcb8ab0c3a0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c430>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7fcb8ab0c550>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c5e0>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c670>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7fcb8ab0c700>, 'strxfrm': <function strxfrm at 0x7fcb8ab0c790>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7fcb8ab0c820>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7fcb8ab0c8b0>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7fcb8ab0c940>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7fcb8ab0c9d0>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7fcb8ab0ca60>, 'flash_error': <function flash_error at 0x7fcb8ab0caf0>, 'flash_success': <function flash_success at 0x7fcb8ab0cb80>, 'get_flashed_messages': <function get_flashed_messages at 0x7fcb8ab0cc10>, 'link_to': <function link_to at 0x7fcb8ab0ce50>, 'nav_link': <function nav_link at 0x7fcb8ab0cee0>, 'build_nav_main': <function build_nav_main at 0x7fcb8ab0cf70>, 'build_nav_icon': <function build_nav_icon at 0x7fcb8ab0d000>, 'build_nav': <function build_nav at 0x7fcb8ab0d090>, 'build_extra_admin_nav': <function build_extra_admin_nav at 0x7fcb8ab0d1b0>, 'default_group_type': <function default_group_type at 0x7fcb8ab0d2d0>, 'default_package_type': <function default_package_type at 0x7fcb8ab0d360>, 'humanize_entity_type': <function humanize_entity_type at 0x7fcb8ab0d480>, 'get_facet_items_dict': <function get_facet_items_dict at 0x7fcb8ab0d510>, 'has_more_facets': <function has_more_facets at 0x7fcb8ab0d5a0>, 'get_param_int': <function get_param_int at 0x7fcb8ab0d630>, 'sorted_extras': <function sorted_extras at 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has_context_title | True |
organization | {'approval_status': 'approved', 'created': '2023-06-12T03:49:59.480742', 'description': 'temporary buspark organization for testing scripts', 'display_name': 'buspark', 'id': '5caa0bf1-3a54-47fc-9cf1-b656899d87d0', 'image_display_url': '', 'image_url': '', 'is_organization': True, 'name': 'buspark', 'num_followers': 0, 'package_count': 12, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'buspark', 'type': 'organization', 'users': [{'about': None, 'activity_streams_email_notifications': False, 'capacity': 'admin', 'created': '2023-06-08T15:20:48.556813', 'display_name': 'Andy Yang', 'email_hash': 'b621ffb986ad46052f994d0bf58c7211', 'fullname': 'Andy Yang', 'id': 'a91fe64b-e675-4044-840f-922002dce905', 'image_display_url': '', 'image_url': '', 'last_active': '2023-08-17T05:00:53.984229', 'name': 'ayang903', 'number_created_packages': 11, 'state': 'active', 'sysadmin': True}], 'extras': [], 'tags': [], 'groups': []} |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1737372054.084633, '_creation_time': 1737372054.084633, '_fresh': False, '_csrf_token': '9ff330b2dbb8b420e0ac0f2b69fc0cb71182e9db'} |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7fcb8c8ac310> |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7fcb8a898b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7fcb7f349f90> |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7fcb8ab0c040>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7fcb8ab0c0d0>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7fcb8ab0c1f0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7fcb8ab0c310>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7fcb8ab0c3a0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c430>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7fcb8ab0c550>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c5e0>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c670>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7fcb8ab0c700>, 'strxfrm': <function strxfrm at 0x7fcb8ab0c790>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7fcb8ab0c820>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7fcb8ab0c8b0>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7fcb8ab0c940>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7fcb8ab0c9d0>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7fcb8ab0ca60>, 'flash_error': 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0x7fcb89f3a560>, 'datastore_dictionary': <function datastore_dictionary at 0x7fcb89f87250>, 'datapusher_status': <function datapusher_status at 0x7fcb89fe1360>, 'datapusher_status_description': <function datapusher_status_description at 0x7fcb89fe13f0>, 'spark_all_packages': <function all_packages at 0x7fcb89fe2170>, 'spark_featured_datasets': <function featured_datasets at 0x7fcb89fe2290>, 'spark_popular_datasets': <function popular_datasets at 0x7fcb89fe2320>, 'spark_groups': <function all_groups at 0x7fcb89fe23b0>} |
pkg | {'author': None, 'author_email': None, 'creator_user_id': 'a91fe64b-e675-4044-840f-922002dce905', 'id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'isopen': False, 'license_id': None, 'license_title': None, 'maintainer': None, 'maintainer_email': None, 'metadata_created': '2023-08-17T05:01:15.635367', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.044559', 'name': 'github_test_2', 'notes': 'This project focuses on assembling data and conceptualizing models to estimate models of systemic sexism, racism and other biases among economics department faculties. The fraction of minorities and women at top universities has plateaued after a few decades of gradual improvement. This project tries to understand why.\r\n\r\nWe already have collected the names and substantial amounts of detailed information, including pictures from their web site, about US Economics Department faculty at the top ~100 departments, containing information about approximately 4000 faculty members building on a database previously collected by James Hasselbeck linked here file. I arranged to update it in spring/summer 2022 to contain AY22 information about the same departments, and would like to repeat that effort again this spring 2023 so that we will have three years of panel data at the department level. This will enable us to model CHANGES in faculty at these departments (hiring, promotions and departures).', 'num_resources': 2, 'num_tags': 0, 'organization': {'id': '5caa0bf1-3a54-47fc-9cf1-b656899d87d0', 'name': 'buspark', 'title': 'buspark', 'type': 'organization', 'description': 'temporary buspark organization for testing scripts', 'image_url': '', 'created': '2023-06-12T03:49:59.480742', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '5caa0bf1-3a54-47fc-9cf1-b656899d87d0', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'github_test_2', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': '', 'version': None, 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2023-08-17T05:01:16.984339', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': None, 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': '928efb18-de78-4909-8482-4827d65836fb', 'last_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:16.972744', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.049774', 'mimetype': None, 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'OCPF_Police_Individual', 'package_id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 1984906, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.053364', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': None, 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': '377fe5ae-ee4a-4a09-b269-2311976bb33e', 'last_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.037417', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.050027', 'mimetype': None, 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'OCPF_Police_Union', 'package_id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'position': 1, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 63154, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []} |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1737372054.084633, '_creation_time': 1737372054.084633, '_fresh': False, '_csrf_token': '9ff330b2dbb8b420e0ac0f2b69fc0cb71182e9db'} |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7fcb8c8ac310> |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7fcb8a898b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7fcb7f349f90> |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7fcb8ab0c040>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7fcb8ab0c0d0>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7fcb8ab0c1f0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7fcb8ab0c310>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7fcb8ab0c3a0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c430>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7fcb8ab0c550>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c5e0>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c670>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7fcb8ab0c700>, 'strxfrm': <function strxfrm at 0x7fcb8ab0c790>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7fcb8ab0c820>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7fcb8ab0c8b0>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7fcb8ab0c940>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7fcb8ab0c9d0>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7fcb8ab0ca60>, 'flash_error': 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'time_ago_from_timestamp': <function time_ago_from_timestamp at 0x7fcb8ab0e0e0>, 'dataset_display_name': <function dataset_display_name at 0x7fcb8ab0e3b0>, 'dataset_link': <function dataset_link at 0x7fcb8ab0e440>, 'resource_display_name': <function resource_display_name at 0x7fcb8ab0e4d0>, 'resource_link': <function resource_link at 0x7fcb8ab0e560>, 'tag_link': <function tag_link at 0x7fcb8ab0e5f0>, 'group_link': <function group_link at 0x7fcb8ab0e680>, 'organization_link': <function organization_link at 0x7fcb8ab0e710>, 'dump_json': <function dump_json at 0x7fcb8ab0e7a0>, 'snippet': <function snippet at 0x7fcb8ab0e830>, 'convert_to_dict': <function convert_to_dict at 0x7fcb8ab0e8c0>, 'follow_button': <function follow_button at 0x7fcb8ab0e950>, 'follow_count': <function follow_count at 0x7fcb8ab0e9e0>, 'add_url_param': <function add_url_param at 0x7fcb8ab0eb00>, 'remove_url_param': <function remove_url_param at 0x7fcb8ab0eb90>, 'debug_inspect': <function debug_inspect at 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'get_site_statistics': <function get_site_statistics at 0x7fcb8ab0fbe0>, 'resource_formats': <function resource_formats at 0x7fcb8ab0fd00>, 'unified_resource_format': <function unified_resource_format at 0x7fcb8ab0fd90>, 'check_config_permission': <function check_config_permission at 0x7fcb8ab0fe20>, 'get_organization': <function get_organization at 0x7fcb8ab0feb0>, 'license_options': <function license_options at 0x7fcb8ab0ff40>, 'get_translated': <function get_translated at 0x7fcb8ab10040>, 'facets': <function facets at 0x7fcb8ab100d0>, 'mail_to': <function mail_to at 0x7fcb8ab10160>, 'clean_html': <function clean_html at 0x7fcb8ab101f0>, 'flash': <function flash at 0x7fcb8e70e170>, 'localised_number': <function localised_number at 0x7fcb8ba6a320>, 'localised_SI_number': <function localised_SI_number at 0x7fcb8ba6a440>, 'localised_nice_date': <function localised_nice_date at 0x7fcb8ba6a290>, 'localised_filesize': <function localised_filesize at 0x7fcb8ba6a3b0>, 'plugin_loaded': <function plugin_loaded at 0x7fcb8c077be0>, 'get_available_locales': <function get_available_locales at 0x7fcb8ba69e10>, 'get_locales_dict': <function get_locales_dict at 0x7fcb8ba69d80>, 'literal': <class 'ckan.lib.helpers.literal'>, 'asbool': <function asbool at 0x7fcb8c8acd30>, 'urlencode': <function urlencode at 0x7fcb8fa6e3b0>, 'include_asset': <function include_asset at 0x7fcb8aaff9a0>, 'render_assets': <function render_assets at 0x7fcb8aaffac0>, 'sanitize_id': <function sanitize_id at 0x7fcb8ab10310>, 'get_collaborators': <function get_collaborators at 0x7fcb8ab103a0>, 'can_update_owner_org': <function can_update_owner_org at 0x7fcb8ab10430>, 'decode_view_request_filters': <function decode_view_request_filters at 0x7fcb8ab104c0>, 'check_ckan_version': <function check_ckan_version at 0x7fcb8ab10550>, 'csrf_input': <function csrf_input at 0x7fcb8ab10670>, 'get_map_config': <function get_mapview_config at 0x7fcb89f3a4d0>, 'get_dataproxy_url': <function get_dataproxy_url at 0x7fcb89f3a560>, 'datastore_dictionary': <function datastore_dictionary at 0x7fcb89f87250>, 'datapusher_status': <function datapusher_status at 0x7fcb89fe1360>, 'datapusher_status_description': <function datapusher_status_description at 0x7fcb89fe13f0>, 'spark_all_packages': <function all_packages at 0x7fcb89fe2170>, 'spark_featured_datasets': <function featured_datasets at 0x7fcb89fe2290>, 'spark_popular_datasets': <function popular_datasets at 0x7fcb89fe2320>, 'spark_groups': <function all_groups at 0x7fcb89fe23b0>} |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1737372054.084633, '_creation_time': 1737372054.084633, '_fresh': False, '_csrf_token': '9ff330b2dbb8b420e0ac0f2b69fc0cb71182e9db'} |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7fcb8c8ac310> |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7fcb8a898b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7fcb7f349f90> |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7fcb8ab0c040>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7fcb8ab0c0d0>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7fcb8ab0c1f0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7fcb8ab0c310>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7fcb8ab0c3a0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c430>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7fcb8ab0c550>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c5e0>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7fcb8ab0c670>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7fcb8ab0c700>, 'strxfrm': <function strxfrm at 0x7fcb8ab0c790>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7fcb8ab0c820>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7fcb8ab0c8b0>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7fcb8ab0c940>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7fcb8ab0c9d0>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7fcb8ab0ca60>, 'flash_error': 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0x7fcb8ab0d750>, 'check_access': <function check_access at 0x7fcb8ab0d7e0>, 'linked_user': <function linked_user at 0x7fcb8ab0d870>, 'group_name_to_title': <function group_name_to_title at 0x7fcb8ab0d900>, 'wrapped': <function deprecated.<locals>.decorator.<locals>.wrapped at 0x7fcb8ab0dab0>, 'markdown_extract': <function markdown_extract at 0x7fcb8ab0d990>, 'dict_list_reduce': <function dict_list_reduce at 0x7fcb8ab0db40>, 'gravatar': <function gravatar at 0x7fcb8ab0dbd0>, 'sanitize_url': <function sanitize_url at 0x7fcb8ab0dc60>, 'user_image': <function user_image at 0x7fcb8ab0dcf0>, 'pager_url': <function pager_url at 0x7fcb8ab0dd80>, 'get_page_number': <function get_page_number at 0x7fcb8ab0de10>, 'get_display_timezone': <function get_display_timezone at 0x7fcb8ab0dea0>, 'render_datetime': <function render_datetime at 0x7fcb8ab0df30>, 'date_str_to_datetime': <function date_str_to_datetime at 0x7fcb8ab0dfc0>, 'parse_rfc_2822_date': <function parse_rfc_2822_date at 0x7fcb8ab0e050>, 'time_ago_from_timestamp': <function time_ago_from_timestamp at 0x7fcb8ab0e0e0>, 'dataset_display_name': <function dataset_display_name at 0x7fcb8ab0e3b0>, 'dataset_link': <function dataset_link at 0x7fcb8ab0e440>, 'resource_display_name': <function resource_display_name at 0x7fcb8ab0e4d0>, 'resource_link': <function resource_link at 0x7fcb8ab0e560>, 'tag_link': <function tag_link at 0x7fcb8ab0e5f0>, 'group_link': <function group_link at 0x7fcb8ab0e680>, 'organization_link': <function organization_link at 0x7fcb8ab0e710>, 'dump_json': <function dump_json at 0x7fcb8ab0e7a0>, 'snippet': <function snippet at 0x7fcb8ab0e830>, 'convert_to_dict': <function convert_to_dict at 0x7fcb8ab0e8c0>, 'follow_button': <function follow_button at 0x7fcb8ab0e950>, 'follow_count': <function follow_count at 0x7fcb8ab0e9e0>, 'add_url_param': <function add_url_param at 0x7fcb8ab0eb00>, 'remove_url_param': <function remove_url_param at 0x7fcb8ab0eb90>, 'debug_inspect': <function debug_inspect at 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'resource_view_is_filterable': <function resource_view_is_filterable at 0x7fcb8ab0f490>, 'resource_view_get_fields': <function resource_view_get_fields at 0x7fcb8ab0f520>, 'resource_view_is_iframed': <function resource_view_is_iframed at 0x7fcb8ab0f5b0>, 'resource_view_icon': <function resource_view_icon at 0x7fcb8ab0f640>, 'resource_view_display_preview': <function resource_view_display_preview at 0x7fcb8ab0f6d0>, 'resource_view_full_page': <function resource_view_full_page at 0x7fcb8ab0f760>, 'remove_linebreaks': <function remove_linebreaks at 0x7fcb8ab0f7f0>, 'list_dict_filter': <function list_dict_filter at 0x7fcb8ab0f880>, 'SI_number_span': <function SI_number_span at 0x7fcb8ab0f910>, 'uploads_enabled': <function uploads_enabled at 0x7fcb8ab0f9a0>, 'get_featured_organizations': <function get_featured_organizations at 0x7fcb8ab0fa30>, 'get_featured_groups': <function get_featured_groups at 0x7fcb8ab0fac0>, 'featured_group_org': <function featured_group_org at 0x7fcb8ab0fb50>, 'get_site_statistics': <function get_site_statistics at 0x7fcb8ab0fbe0>, 'resource_formats': <function resource_formats at 0x7fcb8ab0fd00>, 'unified_resource_format': <function unified_resource_format at 0x7fcb8ab0fd90>, 'check_config_permission': <function check_config_permission at 0x7fcb8ab0fe20>, 'get_organization': <function get_organization at 0x7fcb8ab0feb0>, 'license_options': <function license_options at 0x7fcb8ab0ff40>, 'get_translated': <function get_translated at 0x7fcb8ab10040>, 'facets': <function facets at 0x7fcb8ab100d0>, 'mail_to': <function mail_to at 0x7fcb8ab10160>, 'clean_html': <function clean_html at 0x7fcb8ab101f0>, 'flash': <function flash at 0x7fcb8e70e170>, 'localised_number': <function localised_number at 0x7fcb8ba6a320>, 'localised_SI_number': <function localised_SI_number at 0x7fcb8ba6a440>, 'localised_nice_date': <function localised_nice_date at 0x7fcb8ba6a290>, 'localised_filesize': <function localised_filesize at 0x7fcb8ba6a3b0>, 'plugin_loaded': <function plugin_loaded at 0x7fcb8c077be0>, 'get_available_locales': <function get_available_locales at 0x7fcb8ba69e10>, 'get_locales_dict': <function get_locales_dict at 0x7fcb8ba69d80>, 'literal': <class 'ckan.lib.helpers.literal'>, 'asbool': <function asbool at 0x7fcb8c8acd30>, 'urlencode': <function urlencode at 0x7fcb8fa6e3b0>, 'include_asset': <function include_asset at 0x7fcb8aaff9a0>, 'render_assets': <function render_assets at 0x7fcb8aaffac0>, 'sanitize_id': <function sanitize_id at 0x7fcb8ab10310>, 'get_collaborators': <function get_collaborators at 0x7fcb8ab103a0>, 'can_update_owner_org': <function can_update_owner_org at 0x7fcb8ab10430>, 'decode_view_request_filters': <function decode_view_request_filters at 0x7fcb8ab104c0>, 'check_ckan_version': <function check_ckan_version at 0x7fcb8ab10550>, 'csrf_input': <function csrf_input at 0x7fcb8ab10670>, 'get_map_config': <function get_mapview_config at 0x7fcb89f3a4d0>, 'get_dataproxy_url': <function get_dataproxy_url at 0x7fcb89f3a560>, 'datastore_dictionary': <function datastore_dictionary at 0x7fcb89f87250>, 'datapusher_status': <function datapusher_status at 0x7fcb89fe1360>, 'datapusher_status_description': <function datapusher_status_description at 0x7fcb89fe13f0>, 'spark_all_packages': <function all_packages at 0x7fcb89fe2170>, 'spark_featured_datasets': <function featured_datasets at 0x7fcb89fe2290>, 'spark_popular_datasets': <function popular_datasets at 0x7fcb89fe2320>, 'spark_groups': <function all_groups at 0x7fcb89fe23b0>} |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1737372054.084633, '_creation_time': 1737372054.084633, '_fresh': False, '_csrf_token': '9ff330b2dbb8b420e0ac0f2b69fc0cb71182e9db'} |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7fcb8c8ac310> |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7fcb8a898b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7fcb7f349f90> |
dataset_type | 'dataset' |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
group_dropdown | [] |
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'get_site_statistics': <function get_site_statistics at 0x7fcb8ab0fbe0>, 'resource_formats': <function resource_formats at 0x7fcb8ab0fd00>, 'unified_resource_format': <function unified_resource_format at 0x7fcb8ab0fd90>, 'check_config_permission': <function check_config_permission at 0x7fcb8ab0fe20>, 'get_organization': <function get_organization at 0x7fcb8ab0feb0>, 'license_options': <function license_options at 0x7fcb8ab0ff40>, 'get_translated': <function get_translated at 0x7fcb8ab10040>, 'facets': <function facets at 0x7fcb8ab100d0>, 'mail_to': <function mail_to at 0x7fcb8ab10160>, 'clean_html': <function clean_html at 0x7fcb8ab101f0>, 'flash': <function flash at 0x7fcb8e70e170>, 'localised_number': <function localised_number at 0x7fcb8ba6a320>, 'localised_SI_number': <function localised_SI_number at 0x7fcb8ba6a440>, 'localised_nice_date': <function localised_nice_date at 0x7fcb8ba6a290>, 'localised_filesize': <function localised_filesize at 0x7fcb8ba6a3b0>, 'plugin_loaded': <function plugin_loaded at 0x7fcb8c077be0>, 'get_available_locales': <function get_available_locales at 0x7fcb8ba69e10>, 'get_locales_dict': <function get_locales_dict at 0x7fcb8ba69d80>, 'literal': <class 'ckan.lib.helpers.literal'>, 'asbool': <function asbool at 0x7fcb8c8acd30>, 'urlencode': <function urlencode at 0x7fcb8fa6e3b0>, 'include_asset': <function include_asset at 0x7fcb8aaff9a0>, 'render_assets': <function render_assets at 0x7fcb8aaffac0>, 'sanitize_id': <function sanitize_id at 0x7fcb8ab10310>, 'get_collaborators': <function get_collaborators at 0x7fcb8ab103a0>, 'can_update_owner_org': <function can_update_owner_org at 0x7fcb8ab10430>, 'decode_view_request_filters': <function decode_view_request_filters at 0x7fcb8ab104c0>, 'check_ckan_version': <function check_ckan_version at 0x7fcb8ab10550>, 'csrf_input': <function csrf_input at 0x7fcb8ab10670>, 'get_map_config': <function get_mapview_config at 0x7fcb89f3a4d0>, 'get_dataproxy_url': <function get_dataproxy_url at 0x7fcb89f3a560>, 'datastore_dictionary': <function datastore_dictionary at 0x7fcb89f87250>, 'datapusher_status': <function datapusher_status at 0x7fcb89fe1360>, 'datapusher_status_description': <function datapusher_status_description at 0x7fcb89fe13f0>, 'spark_all_packages': <function all_packages at 0x7fcb89fe2170>, 'spark_featured_datasets': <function featured_datasets at 0x7fcb89fe2290>, 'spark_popular_datasets': <function popular_datasets at 0x7fcb89fe2320>, 'spark_groups': <function all_groups at 0x7fcb89fe23b0>} |
pkg_dict | {'author': None, 'author_email': None, 'creator_user_id': 'a91fe64b-e675-4044-840f-922002dce905', 'id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'isopen': False, 'license_id': None, 'license_title': None, 'maintainer': None, 'maintainer_email': None, 'metadata_created': '2023-08-17T05:01:15.635367', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.044559', 'name': 'github_test_2', 'notes': 'This project focuses on assembling data and conceptualizing models to estimate models of systemic sexism, racism and other biases among economics department faculties. The fraction of minorities and women at top universities has plateaued after a few decades of gradual improvement. This project tries to understand why.\r\n\r\nWe already have collected the names and substantial amounts of detailed information, including pictures from their web site, about US Economics Department faculty at the top ~100 departments, containing information about approximately 4000 faculty members building on a database previously collected by James Hasselbeck linked here file. I arranged to update it in spring/summer 2022 to contain AY22 information about the same departments, and would like to repeat that effort again this spring 2023 so that we will have three years of panel data at the department level. This will enable us to model CHANGES in faculty at these departments (hiring, promotions and departures).', 'num_resources': 2, 'num_tags': 0, 'organization': {'id': '5caa0bf1-3a54-47fc-9cf1-b656899d87d0', 'name': 'buspark', 'title': 'buspark', 'type': 'organization', 'description': 'temporary buspark organization for testing scripts', 'image_url': '', 'created': '2023-06-12T03:49:59.480742', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '5caa0bf1-3a54-47fc-9cf1-b656899d87d0', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'github_test_2', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': '', 'version': None, 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2023-08-17T05:01:16.984339', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': None, 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': '928efb18-de78-4909-8482-4827d65836fb', 'last_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:16.972744', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.049774', 'mimetype': None, 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'OCPF_Police_Individual', 'package_id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 1984906, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.053364', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': None, 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': '377fe5ae-ee4a-4a09-b269-2311976bb33e', 'last_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.037417', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.050027', 'mimetype': None, 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'OCPF_Police_Union', 'package_id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'position': 1, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 63154, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []} |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1737372054.084633, '_creation_time': 1737372054.084633, '_fresh': False, '_csrf_token': '9ff330b2dbb8b420e0ac0f2b69fc0cb71182e9db'} |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7fcb8c8ac310> |
The toolbar was unable to fetch the SQLAlchemy queries for this request. To enable the SQLAlchemy query display, please:
The Flask-SQLAlchemy extension needs to be configured for this application. Please see the Flask-SQLAlchemy documentation for details.
No messages logged.
URL route | Endpoint name | HTTP methods | Is alias | Redirect to |
/ | home.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/<path:filename> | static | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/about | home.about | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
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/api/action/<logic_function> | api.action | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/api/i18n/<lang> | api.i18n_js_translations | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/dataset/autocomplete | api.dataset_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/group/autocomplete | api.group_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/organization/autocomplete | api.organization_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
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/api/util/tag/autocomplete | api.tag_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/user/autocomplete | api.user_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
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/dashboard/datasets | dashboard.datasets | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dashboard/groups | dashboard.groups | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dashboard/organizations | dashboard.organizations | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/ | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
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/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/delete | resource.delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
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/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/edit_view/<view_id> | dataset_resource.edit_view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/new_view | resource.edit_view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/new_view | dataset_resource.edit_view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
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/dataset/<id>/resource/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource_data/<resource_id> | datapusher.resource_data | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/delete/<id> | dataset.delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/edit/<id> | dataset.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/follow/<id> | dataset.follow | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/followers/<id> | dataset.followers | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/groups/<id> | dataset.groups | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/resources/<id> | dataset.resources | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/unfollow/<id> | dataset.unfollow | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/datastore/dump/<resource_id> | datastore.dump | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/feeds/custom.atom | feeds.custom | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/feeds/dataset.atom | feeds.general | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/feeds/group/<string:id>.atom | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/feeds/organization/<string:id>.atom | feeds.organization | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/feeds/tag/<string:id>.atom | feeds.tag | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
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/group/<id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/group/about/<id> | group.about | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/group/admins/<id> | group.admins | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/bulk_process/<id> | group.bulk_process | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/delete/<id> | group.delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/edit/<id> | group.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/follow/<id> | group.follow | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/followers/<id> | group.followers | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/member_delete/<id> | group.member_delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/member_new/<id> | group.member_new | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/members/<id> | group.members | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/unfollow/<id> | group.unfollow | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/no/ | home.redirect_locale | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/no/<path:path> | home.redirect_locale | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
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/organization/<id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/organization/about/<id> | organization.about | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/organization/admins/<id> | organization.admins | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/bulk_process/<id> | organization.bulk_process | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/delete/<id> | organization.delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/edit/<id> | organization.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/follow/<id> | organization.follow | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/followers/<id> | organization.followers | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/member_delete/<id> | organization.member_delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/member_new/<id> | organization.member_new | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/members/<id> | organization.members | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/unfollow/<id> | organization.unfollow | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/robots.txt | home.robots_txt | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/testing/primer | util.primer | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/ | user.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/<id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/<id>/api-tokens | user.api_tokens | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/<id>/api-tokens/<jti>/revoke | user.api_token_revoke | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/_logout | user.logout | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/delete/<id> | user.delete | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/edit | user.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/edit/<id> | user.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/follow/<id> | user.follow | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/followers/<id> | user.followers | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/logged_out_redirect | user.logged_out_page | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/login | user.login | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/me | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/register | user.register | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/reset | user.request_reset | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/reset/<id> | user.perform_reset | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/sysadmin | user.sysadmin | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
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Key | Value |
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pkg_dict | {'author': None, 'author_email': None, 'creator_user_id': 'a91fe64b-e675-4044-840f-922002dce905', 'id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'isopen': False, 'license_id': None, 'license_title': None, 'maintainer': None, 'maintainer_email': None, 'metadata_created': '2023-08-17T05:01:15.635367', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.044559', 'name': 'github_test_2', 'notes': 'This project focuses on assembling data and conceptualizing models to estimate models of systemic sexism, racism and other biases among economics department faculties. The fraction of minorities and women at top universities has plateaued after a few decades of gradual improvement. This project tries to understand why.\r\n\r\nWe already have collected the names and substantial amounts of detailed information, including pictures from their web site, about US Economics Department faculty at the top ~100 departments, containing information about approximately 4000 faculty members building on a database previously collected by James Hasselbeck linked here file. I arranged to update it in spring/summer 2022 to contain AY22 information about the same departments, and would like to repeat that effort again this spring 2023 so that we will have three years of panel data at the department level. This will enable us to model CHANGES in faculty at these departments (hiring, promotions and departures).', 'num_resources': 2, 'num_tags': 0, 'organization': {'id': '5caa0bf1-3a54-47fc-9cf1-b656899d87d0', 'name': 'buspark', 'title': 'buspark', 'type': 'organization', 'description': 'temporary buspark organization for testing scripts', 'image_url': '', 'created': '2023-06-12T03:49:59.480742', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '5caa0bf1-3a54-47fc-9cf1-b656899d87d0', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'github_test_2', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': '', 'version': None, 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2023-08-17T05:01:16.984339', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': None, 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': '928efb18-de78-4909-8482-4827d65836fb', 'last_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:16.972744', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.049774', 'mimetype': None, 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'OCPF_Police_Individual', 'package_id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 1984906, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.053364', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': None, 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': '377fe5ae-ee4a-4a09-b269-2311976bb33e', 'last_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.037417', 'metadata_modified': '2023-08-17T05:01:18.050027', 'mimetype': None, 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'OCPF_Police_Union', 'package_id': '5257e87e-6fc7-477a-aaa3-c4045431d801', 'position': 1, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 63154, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []} |
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