There are currently no groups for this site.
Installation paths relative to:
Package | Version | Installed Path |
alabaster | 0.7.13 | |
alembic | 1.8.1 | |
appdirs | 1.4.4 | |
arrow | 1.2.3 | |
asttokens | 2.2.1 | |
attrs | 22.2.0 | |
Babel | 2.10.3 | |
backcall | 0.2.0 | |
Beaker | 1.11.0 | |
beautifulsoup4 | 4.11.1 | |
binaryornot | 0.4.4 | |
bleach | 5.0.1 | |
blinker | 1.5 | |
build | 0.10.0 | |
certifi | 2021.10.8 | |
chardet | 5.1.0 | |
charset-normalizer | 2.0.12 | |
ckan | 2.10.0 | |
ckanext-envvars | 0.0.2 | /srv/app/src/ckanext-envvars |
ckanext-spark | 0.0.1 | /srv/app/src_extensions/ckanext-spark |
ckantoolkit | 0.0.7 | |
click | 8.1.3 | |
click-default-group | 1.2.2 | |
cookiecutter | 2.1.1 | |
coverage | 6.5.0 | |
coveralls | 3.3.1 | |
decorator | 5.1.1 | |
Deprecated | 1.2.13 | |
docopt | 0.6.2 | |
docutils | 0.17 | |
dominate | 2.7.0 | |
executing | 1.2.0 | |
factory-boy | 3.2.1 | |
Faker | 14.2.0 | |
feedgen | 0.9.0 | |
Flask | 2.0.3 | |
Flask-Babel | 1.0.0 | |
Flask-DebugToolbar | 0.13.1 | |
Flask-Login | 0.6.1 | |
flask-multistatic | 1.0 | |
Flask-WTF | 1.0.1 | |
freezegun | 1.2.2 | |
gevent | 21.12.0 | |
greenlet | 1.1.2 | |
idna | 3.3 | |
imagesize | 1.4.1 | |
importlib-metadata | 4.11.3 | |
incremental | 22.10.0 | |
inflection | 0.5.1 | |
iniconfig | 2.0.0 | |
ipdb | 0.13.9 | |
ipython | 8.10.0 | |
itsdangerous | 2.1.1 | |
jedi | 0.18.2 | |
Jinja2 | 3.1.2 | |
jinja2-time | 0.2.0 | |
lxml | 4.9.1 | |
Mako | 1.2.2 | |
Markdown | 3.4.1 | |
MarkupSafe | 2.1.1 | |
matplotlib-inline | 0.1.6 | |
more-itertools | 8.13.0 | |
mypy | 0.971 | |
mypy-extensions | 0.4.3 | |
nose | 1.3.7 | |
ordered-set | 4.0.2 | |
packaging | 21.3 | |
parso | 0.8.3 | |
passlib | 1.7.4 | |
pexpect | 4.8.0 | |
pickleshare | 0.7.5 | |
Pillow | 9.2.0 | |
pip | 23.0 | |
pip-tools | 6.8.0 | |
pluggy | 1.0.0 | |
polib | 1.1.1 | |
prompt-toolkit | 3.0.36 | |
psycopg2 | 2.9.3 | |
ptyprocess | 0.7.0 | |
pure-eval | 0.2.2 | |
py | 1.11.0 | |
Pygments | 2.14.0 | |
PyJWT | 2.4.0 | |
pyparsing | 3.0.7 | |
pyproject-hooks | 1.0.0 | |
pysolr | 3.9.0 | |
pytest | 7.1.3 | |
pytest-ckan | 0.0.12 | |
pytest-cov | 3.0.0 | |
pytest-factoryboy | 2.4.0 | |
pytest-freezegun | 0.4.2 | |
pytest-rerunfailures | 10.2 | |
pytest-split | 0.8.0 | |
python-dateutil | 2.8.2 | |
python-magic | 0.4.27 | |
python-slugify | 8.0.0 | |
pytz | 2021.3 | |
pytz-deprecation-shim | 0.1.0.post0 | |
PyUtilib | 6.0.0 | |
PyYAML | 6.0 | |
redis | 4.1.4 | |
requests | 2.28.1 | |
responses | 0.21.0 | |
rq | 1.11.0 | |
setuptools | 59.4.0 | |
simplejson | 3.17.6 | |
six | 1.16.0 | |
snowballstemmer | 2.2.0 | |
soupsieve | 2.4 | |
Sphinx | 5.1.1 | |
sphinx-rtd-theme | 1.0.0 | |
sphinxcontrib-applehelp | 1.0.4 | |
sphinxcontrib-devhelp | 1.0.2 | |
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp | 2.0.1 | |
sphinxcontrib-jsmath | 1.0.1 | |
sphinxcontrib-qthelp | 1.0.3 | |
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml | 1.1.5 | |
SQLAlchemy | 1.4.41 | |
sqlalchemy-stubs | 0.4 | |
sqlalchemy2-stubs | 0.0.2a27 | |
sqlparse | 0.4.2 | |
stack-data | 0.6.2 | |
supervisor | 4.2.5 | |
text-unidecode | 1.3 | |
toml | 0.10.2 | |
tomli | 2.0.1 | |
towncrier | 22.8.0 | |
traitlets | 5.9.0 | |
typing-extensions | 4.3.0 | |
tzdata | 2022.1 | |
tzlocal | 4.2 | |
urllib3 | 1.26.9 | |
watchdog | 2.1.6 | |
wcwidth | 0.2.6 | |
webassets | 2.0 | |
webencodings | 0.5.1 | |
Werkzeug | 2.0.3 | |
wheel | 0.38.4 | |
wrapt | 1.14.0 | |
WTForms | 3.0.1 | |
zipp | 3.7.0 | |
zope.event | 4.4 | |
zope.interface | 5.4.0 |
Resource | Value |
User CPU time | 31.116 msec |
System CPU time | 1.074 msec |
Total CPU time | 32.190 msec |
Elapsed time | 35.715 msec |
Context switches | 5 voluntary, 18 involuntary |
Key | Value |
HTTP_ACCEPT | text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 |
SERVER_PORT | 5000 |
SERVER_SOFTWARE | Werkzeug/2.0.3 |
View Function | args | kwargs |
---|---|---| | [] | group_type=group, is_organization=False |
Variable | Value |
Variable | Value |
'_domain' | None |
'_path' | '/' |
'_accessed_time' | 1738926362.1592474 |
'_creation_time' | 1738926362.1592474 |
'_fresh' | False |
'_csrf_token' | 'fda5993698910a1124887827a63d6038e92bb4d5' |
Variable | Value |
Variable | Value |
Key | Value |
__file__ | '/srv/app/ckan.ini' |
api_token.jwt.algorithm | 'HS256' |
api_token.jwt.decode.secret | 'string:Sparkians' |
api_token.jwt.encode.secret | 'string:Sparkians' |
api_token.nbytes | 32 |
apikey_header_name | 'X-CKAN-API-Key' |
BABEL_DOMAIN | 'ckan' |
BABEL_TRANSLATION_DIRECTORIES | '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckan/i18n' | | False |
beaker.session.cookie_domain | None |
beaker.session.cookie_expires | False |
beaker.session.key | 'ckan' |
beaker.session.save_accessed_time | True |
beaker.session.secret | 'Sparkians' | | False |
beaker.session.timeout | 600 |
cache_dir | '/tmp/default' |
ckan.activity_list_limit | 31 |
ckan.activity_list_limit_max | 100 |
ckan.activity_streams_email_notifications | False |
ckan.activity_streams_enabled | True |
ckan.admin_tabs | {} |
ckan.auth.allow_admin_collaborators | False |
ckan.auth.allow_collaborators_to_change_owner_org | False |
ckan.auth.allow_dataset_collaborators | False |
ckan.auth.anon_create_dataset | False |
ckan.auth.create_dataset_if_not_in_organization | True |
ckan.auth.create_default_api_keys | False |
ckan.auth.create_unowned_dataset | False |
ckan.auth.create_user_via_api | False |
ckan.auth.create_user_via_web | True |
ckan.auth.enable_cookie_auth_in_api | True |
ckan.auth.login_view | 'user.login' |
ckan.auth.public_activity_stream_detail | False |
ckan.auth.public_user_details | True |
ckan.auth.reveal_private_datasets | False |
ckan.auth.roles_that_cascade_to_sub_groups | ['admin'] |
ckan.auth.route_after_login | 'dashboard.datasets' |
ckan.auth.user_create_groups | True |
ckan.auth.user_create_organizations | True |
ckan.auth.user_delete_groups | True |
ckan.auth.user_delete_organizations | True |
ckan.base_public_folder | 'public' |
ckan.base_templates_folder | 'templates' |
ckan.cache_enabled | False |
ckan.cache_expires | 0 |
ckan.cors.origin_allow_all | False |
ckan.cors.origin_whitelist | [] |
ckan.csrf_protection.ignore_extensions | True |
ckan.datapusher.api_token | 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJsUy02cll5eVdheTM5NkJORVBkbnQ5UkgtMGtEbndralEtQ05vdUM3UUlBIiwiaWF0IjoxNzM4ODYzNjY0fQ.jjKHfZOQIuB3zfUZEN7FW2PLByFCtW3qswPVEt05cO8' |
ckan.datapusher.assume_task_stale_after | 3600 |
ckan.datapusher.callback_url_base | 'http://ckan:5000' |
ckan.datapusher.formats | ['csv', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'tsv', 'application/csv', 'application/', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'ods', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet'] |
ckan.datapusher.url | 'http://datapusher:8800' |
ckan.dataset.create_on_ui_requires_resources | True |
ckan.datasets_per_page | 20 |
ckan.datastore.default_fts_index_method | 'gist' |
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ckan.datastore.read_url | 'postgresql://datastore_ro:Sparkians@db/datastore' | | 100 | | 32000 |
ckan.datastore.sqlalchemy.pool_pre_ping | True |
ckan.datastore.sqlsearch.allowed_functions_file | '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/datastore/allowed_functions.txt' |
ckan.datastore.sqlsearch.enabled | False |
ckan.datastore.write_url | 'postgresql://ckan:ckan@db/datastore' |
ckan.debug_supress_header | False |
ckan.default.group_type | 'group' |
ckan.default.organization_type | 'organization' |
ckan.default.package_type | 'dataset' |
ckan.default_group_sort | 'title' | | 'localhost' |
ckan.devserver.multiprocess | 1 |
ckan.devserver.port | 5000 |
ckan.devserver.ssl_cert | '' |
ckan.devserver.ssl_key | '' |
ckan.devserver.threaded | False |
ckan.devserver.watch_patterns | [] |
ckan.display_timezone | 'UTC' |
ckan.dumps_format | '' |
ckan.dumps_url | '' |
ckan.email_notifications_since | '2 days' |
ckan.extra_resource_fields | [] |
ckan.favicon | '/base/images/ckan.ico' |
ckan.featured_groups | [] |
ckan.featured_orgs | [] |
ckan.feeds.author_link | '' |
ckan.feeds.author_name | '' |
ckan.feeds.authority_name | '' | | '' |
ckan.feeds.limit | 20 |
ckan.gravatar_default | 'identicon' |
ckan.group_and_organization_list_all_fields_max | 25 |
ckan.group_and_organization_list_max | 1000 | | 'redis' | | '6379' | | '1' | | 'redis' |
ckan.hide_activity_from_users | ['default'] |
ckan.hide_version | False |
ckan.homepage_style | '1' |
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ckan.i18n.extra_gettext_domain | '' |
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ckan.i18n.rtl_theme | 'css/main-rtl' |
ckan.i18n_directory | '' | | 180 |
ckan.legacy_route_mappings | '{}' |
ckan.locale_default | 'en' |
ckan.locale_order | [] |
ckan.locales_filtered_out | [] |
ckan.locales_offered | [] |
ckan.max_image_size | 2 |
ckan.max_resource_size | 10 |
ckan.mimetype_guess | 'file_ext' |
ckan.plugins | 'image_view text_view recline_view datastore datapusher spark envvars' |
ckan.preview.image_formats | 'png jpeg jpg gif' |
ckan.preview.json_formats | 'json' |
ckan.preview.jsonp_formats | 'jsonp' |
ckan.preview.text_formats | 'text/plain txt plain' |
ckan.preview.xml_formats | 'xml rdf rdf+xml owl+xml atom rss' |
ckan.recaptcha.privatekey | '' |
ckan.recaptcha.publickey | '' |
ckan.recline.dataproxy_url | '//' |
ckan.redirect_to_login_if_not_authorized | True |
ckan.redis.url | 'redis://redis:6379/1' |
ckan.requests.timeout | 5 |
ckan.resource_formats | '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckan/config/resource_formats.json' |
ckan.resource_proxy.timeout | 5 |
ckan.root_path | '' | | True | | 'score desc, metadata_modified desc' | | True | | 1000 | | 'dataset' | | True |
ckan.site_about | 'This site provides consolidated data about all the datasets present in SPARK!' |
ckan.site_custom_css | '' |
ckan.site_description | '' |
ckan.site_id | 'default' |
ckan.site_intro_text | '' |
ckan.site_logo | '' |
ckan.site_title | 'DATA@SPARK!' |
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ckan.storage_path | '/var/lib/ckan' |
ckan.template_footer_end | '' |
ckan.template_head_end | '' |
ckan.template_title_delimiter | '-' |
ckan.theme | 'ckanext-spark/main.css' |
ckan.tracking_enabled | False | | [] | | [] |
ckan.upload.user.mimetypes | [] |
ckan.upload.user.types | [] |
ckan.user.last_active_interval | 600 |
ckan.user_list_limit | 20 |
ckan.user_reset_landing_page | 'home.index' |
ckan.valid_url_schemes | ['http', 'https', 'ftp'] |
ckan.views.default_views | ['image_view', 'datatables_view'] |
ckan.webassets.path | '' |
ckan.webassets.use_x_sendfile | False |
CKAN___API_TOKEN__JWT__DECODE__SECRET | 'string:Sparkians' |
CKAN___API_TOKEN__JWT__ENCODE__SECRET | 'string:Sparkians' |
CKAN__DATAPUSHER__CALLBACK_URL_BASE | 'http://ckan:5000' |
CKAN__HARVEST__MQ__PORT | '6379' |
CKAN__HARVEST__MQ__TYPE | 'redis' |
CKAN__PLUGINS | 'image_view text_view recline_view datastore datapusher spark envvars' |
CKAN__THEME | 'ckanext-spark/main.css' |
CKAN_CONFIG | '/srv/app/ckan.ini' |
ckan_config | '/srv/app/ckan.ini' |
ckan_container_name | 'ckan' |
CKAN_DATAPUSHER_URL | 'http://datapusher:8800' |
ckan_datapusher_url | 'http://datapusher:8800' |
CKAN_DATASTORE_READ_URL | 'postgresql://datastore_ro:Sparkians@db/datastore' |
ckan_datastore_read_url | 'postgresql://datastore_ro:Sparkians@db/datastore' |
CKAN_DATASTORE_WRITE_URL | 'postgresql://ckan:ckan@db/datastore' |
ckan_datastore_write_url | 'postgresql://ckan:ckan@db/datastore' |
CKAN_INI | '/srv/app/ckan.ini' |
ckan_ini | '/srv/app/ckan.ini' |
CKAN_PORT | '5000' |
ckan_port | '5000' |
CKAN_PORT_HOST | '5000' |
ckan_port_host | '5000' |
CKAN_REDIS_URL | 'redis://redis:6379/1' |
ckan_redis_url | 'redis://redis:6379/1' |
CKAN_SITE_ID | 'default' |
ckan_site_id | 'default' |
ckan_site_url | '' |
CKAN_SMTP_MAIL_FROM | 'ckan@localhost' |
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ckan_smtp_password | 'pass' |
CKAN_SMTP_SERVER | 'smtp.corporateict.domain:25' |
ckan_smtp_server | 'smtp.corporateict.domain:25' |
ckan_smtp_starttls | 'True' |
CKAN_SMTP_USER | 'user' |
ckan_smtp_user | 'user' |
CKAN_SOLR_URL | 'http://solr:8983/solr/ckan' |
ckan_solr_url | 'http://solr:8983/solr/ckan' |
CKAN_SQLALCHEMY_URL | 'postgresql://ckan:ckan@db/ckan' |
ckan_sqlalchemy_url | 'postgresql://ckan:ckan@db/ckan' |
CKAN_STORAGE_PATH | '/var/lib/ckan' |
ckan_storage_path | '/var/lib/ckan' |
CKAN_SYSADMIN_EMAIL | '[email protected]' |
ckan_sysadmin_email | '[email protected]' |
CKAN_SYSADMIN_NAME | 'ckan_admin' |
ckan_sysadmin_name | 'ckan_admin' |
ckan_sysadmin_password | 'Sparkians' |
CKAN_VERSION | '2.9.7' |
ckan_version | '2.9.7' |
clear_logo_upload | '' |
computed_template_paths | ['/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/imageview/theme/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/textview/theme/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/reclineview/theme/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/datastore/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/datapusher/templates', '/srv/app/src_extensions/ckanext-spark/ckanext/spark/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckan/templates'] |
config.mode | 'default' |
DEBUG | True |
debug | True |
DEBUG_TB_PANELS | ('flask_debugtoolbar.panels.versions.VersionDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.timer.TimerDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.headers.HeaderDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.request_vars.RequestVarsDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.config_vars.ConfigVarsDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.template.TemplateDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemyDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.logger.LoggingPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.route_list.RouteListDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.profiler.ProfilerDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.g.GDebugPanel') |
email_to | '' |
ENV | 'production' |
error_email_from | '' |
extra_public_paths | '' |
extra_template_paths | '' |
here | '/srv/app' |
JSONIFY_MIMETYPE | 'application/json' |
licenses_group_url | '' |
logo_upload | '' |
package_edit_return_url | '' |
package_hide_extras | [] |
package_new_return_url | '' |
PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME | datetime.timedelta(days=31) |
plugin_public_paths | ['/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/textview/theme/public', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/reclineview/theme/public', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/datapusher/public', '/srv/app/src_extensions/ckanext-spark/ckanext/spark/public'] |
plugin_template_paths | ['/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/imageview/theme/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/textview/theme/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/reclineview/theme/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/datastore/templates', '/srv/app/src/ckan/ckanext/datapusher/templates', '/srv/app/src_extensions/ckanext-spark/ckanext/spark/templates'] |
REMEMBER_COOKIE_NAME | 'remember_token' |
search.facets | ['organization', 'groups', 'tags', 'res_format', 'license_id'] |
search.facets.default | 10 |
search.facets.limit | 50 |
SECRET_KEY | 'Sparkians' |
smtp.mail_from | 'ckan@localhost' |
smtp.password | 'pass' |
smtp.reply_to | '' |
smtp.server | 'smtp.corporateict.domain:25' |
smtp.starttls | 'True' |
smtp.user | 'user' |
solr_password | '' |
solr_timeout | 60 |
solr_url | 'http://solr:8983/solr/ckan' |
solr_user | '' |
sqlalchemy.pool_pre_ping | True |
sqlalchemy.url | 'postgresql://ckan:ckan@db/ckan' |
TESTING | False |
testing | False |
use | 'egg:ckan' |
WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME | '_csrf_token' |
WTF_CSRF_HEADERS | ['X-CSRFToken', 'X-CSRF-Token'] |
WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY | 'qFeb6AkYzOcFYWTKQ6LxE2e7jrD1RJysuTXxx-msz8Q' |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7f2b4fe10b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7f2b3d7328c0> |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7f2b50084040>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7f2b500840d0>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7f2b500841f0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7f2b50084310>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7f2b500843a0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7f2b50084430>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7f2b50084550>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7f2b500845e0>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7f2b50084670>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7f2b50084700>, 'strxfrm': <function strxfrm at 0x7f2b50084790>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7f2b50084820>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7f2b500848b0>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7f2b50084940>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7f2b500849d0>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7f2b50084a60>, 'flash_error': 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0x7f2b50085750>, 'check_access': <function check_access at 0x7f2b500857e0>, 'linked_user': <function linked_user at 0x7f2b50085870>, 'group_name_to_title': <function group_name_to_title at 0x7f2b50085900>, 'wrapped': <function deprecated.<locals>.decorator.<locals>.wrapped at 0x7f2b50085ab0>, 'markdown_extract': <function markdown_extract at 0x7f2b50085990>, 'dict_list_reduce': <function dict_list_reduce at 0x7f2b50085b40>, 'gravatar': <function gravatar at 0x7f2b50085bd0>, 'sanitize_url': <function sanitize_url at 0x7f2b50085c60>, 'user_image': <function user_image at 0x7f2b50085cf0>, 'pager_url': <function pager_url at 0x7f2b50085d80>, 'get_page_number': <function get_page_number at 0x7f2b50085e10>, 'get_display_timezone': <function get_display_timezone at 0x7f2b50085ea0>, 'render_datetime': <function render_datetime at 0x7f2b50085f30>, 'date_str_to_datetime': <function date_str_to_datetime at 0x7f2b50085fc0>, 'parse_rfc_2822_date': <function parse_rfc_2822_date at 0x7f2b50086050>, 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0x7f2b4f4b2560>, 'datastore_dictionary': <function datastore_dictionary at 0x7f2b4f507250>, 'datapusher_status': <function datapusher_status at 0x7f2b4f559360>, 'datapusher_status_description': <function datapusher_status_description at 0x7f2b4f5593f0>, 'spark_all_packages': <function all_packages at 0x7f2b4f55a170>, 'spark_featured_datasets': <function featured_datasets at 0x7f2b4f55a290>, 'spark_popular_datasets': <function popular_datasets at 0x7f2b4f55a320>, 'spark_groups': <function all_groups at 0x7f2b4f55a3b0>} |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1738926362.1592474, '_creation_time': 1738926362.1592474, '_fresh': False, '_csrf_token': 'fda5993698910a1124887827a63d6038e92bb4d5'} |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7f2b51e20310> |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7f2b4fe10b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7f2b3d7328c0> |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
group_type | 'group' |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7f2b50084040>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7f2b500840d0>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7f2b500841f0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7f2b50084310>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7f2b500843a0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7f2b50084430>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7f2b50084550>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7f2b500845e0>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7f2b50084670>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7f2b50084700>, 'strxfrm': <function strxfrm at 0x7f2b50084790>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7f2b50084820>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7f2b500848b0>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7f2b50084940>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7f2b500849d0>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7f2b50084a60>, 'flash_error': 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0x7f2b50085750>, 'check_access': <function check_access at 0x7f2b500857e0>, 'linked_user': <function linked_user at 0x7f2b50085870>, 'group_name_to_title': <function group_name_to_title at 0x7f2b50085900>, 'wrapped': <function deprecated.<locals>.decorator.<locals>.wrapped at 0x7f2b50085ab0>, 'markdown_extract': <function markdown_extract at 0x7f2b50085990>, 'dict_list_reduce': <function dict_list_reduce at 0x7f2b50085b40>, 'gravatar': <function gravatar at 0x7f2b50085bd0>, 'sanitize_url': <function sanitize_url at 0x7f2b50085c60>, 'user_image': <function user_image at 0x7f2b50085cf0>, 'pager_url': <function pager_url at 0x7f2b50085d80>, 'get_page_number': <function get_page_number at 0x7f2b50085e10>, 'get_display_timezone': <function get_display_timezone at 0x7f2b50085ea0>, 'render_datetime': <function render_datetime at 0x7f2b50085f30>, 'date_str_to_datetime': <function date_str_to_datetime at 0x7f2b50085fc0>, 'parse_rfc_2822_date': <function parse_rfc_2822_date at 0x7f2b50086050>, 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<function plugin_loaded at 0x7f2b515ebbe0>, 'get_available_locales': <function get_available_locales at 0x7f2b50fe1e10>, 'get_locales_dict': <function get_locales_dict at 0x7f2b50fe1d80>, 'literal': <class 'ckan.lib.helpers.literal'>, 'asbool': <function asbool at 0x7f2b51e20d30>, 'urlencode': <function urlencode at 0x7f2b54fe63b0>, 'include_asset': <function include_asset at 0x7f2b500779a0>, 'render_assets': <function render_assets at 0x7f2b50077ac0>, 'sanitize_id': <function sanitize_id at 0x7f2b50088310>, 'get_collaborators': <function get_collaborators at 0x7f2b500883a0>, 'can_update_owner_org': <function can_update_owner_org at 0x7f2b50088430>, 'decode_view_request_filters': <function decode_view_request_filters at 0x7f2b500884c0>, 'check_ckan_version': <function check_ckan_version at 0x7f2b50088550>, 'csrf_input': <function csrf_input at 0x7f2b50088670>, 'get_map_config': <function get_mapview_config at 0x7f2b4f4b24d0>, 'get_dataproxy_url': <function get_dataproxy_url at 0x7f2b4f4b2560>, 'datastore_dictionary': <function datastore_dictionary at 0x7f2b4f507250>, 'datapusher_status': <function datapusher_status at 0x7f2b4f559360>, 'datapusher_status_description': <function datapusher_status_description at 0x7f2b4f5593f0>, 'spark_all_packages': <function all_packages at 0x7f2b4f55a170>, 'spark_featured_datasets': <function featured_datasets at 0x7f2b4f55a290>, 'spark_popular_datasets': <function popular_datasets at 0x7f2b4f55a320>, 'spark_groups': <function all_groups at 0x7f2b4f55a3b0>} |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
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ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7f2b51e20310> |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7f2b4fe10b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7f2b3d7328c0> |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
group_type | 'group' |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7f2b50084040>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7f2b500840d0>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7f2b500841f0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7f2b50084310>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7f2b500843a0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7f2b50084430>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7f2b50084550>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7f2b500845e0>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7f2b50084670>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7f2b50084700>, 'strxfrm': <function strxfrm at 0x7f2b50084790>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7f2b50084820>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7f2b500848b0>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7f2b50084940>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7f2b500849d0>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7f2b50084a60>, 'flash_error': 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0x7f2b50085750>, 'check_access': <function check_access at 0x7f2b500857e0>, 'linked_user': <function linked_user at 0x7f2b50085870>, 'group_name_to_title': <function group_name_to_title at 0x7f2b50085900>, 'wrapped': <function deprecated.<locals>.decorator.<locals>.wrapped at 0x7f2b50085ab0>, 'markdown_extract': <function markdown_extract at 0x7f2b50085990>, 'dict_list_reduce': <function dict_list_reduce at 0x7f2b50085b40>, 'gravatar': <function gravatar at 0x7f2b50085bd0>, 'sanitize_url': <function sanitize_url at 0x7f2b50085c60>, 'user_image': <function user_image at 0x7f2b50085cf0>, 'pager_url': <function pager_url at 0x7f2b50085d80>, 'get_page_number': <function get_page_number at 0x7f2b50085e10>, 'get_display_timezone': <function get_display_timezone at 0x7f2b50085ea0>, 'render_datetime': <function render_datetime at 0x7f2b50085f30>, 'date_str_to_datetime': <function date_str_to_datetime at 0x7f2b50085fc0>, 'parse_rfc_2822_date': <function parse_rfc_2822_date at 0x7f2b50086050>, 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0x7f2b4f4b2560>, 'datastore_dictionary': <function datastore_dictionary at 0x7f2b4f507250>, 'datapusher_status': <function datapusher_status at 0x7f2b4f559360>, 'datapusher_status_description': <function datapusher_status_description at 0x7f2b4f5593f0>, 'spark_all_packages': <function all_packages at 0x7f2b4f55a170>, 'spark_featured_datasets': <function featured_datasets at 0x7f2b4f55a290>, 'spark_popular_datasets': <function popular_datasets at 0x7f2b4f55a320>, 'spark_groups': <function all_groups at 0x7f2b4f55a3b0>} |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1738926362.1592474, '_creation_time': 1738926362.1592474, '_fresh': False, '_csrf_token': 'fda5993698910a1124887827a63d6038e92bb4d5'} |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7f2b51e20310> |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
count | 0 |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7f2b4fe10b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7f2b3d7328c0> |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7f2b50084040>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7f2b500840d0>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7f2b500841f0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7f2b50084310>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7f2b500843a0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7f2b50084430>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7f2b50084550>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7f2b500845e0>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7f2b50084670>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7f2b50084700>, 'strxfrm': <function strxfrm at 0x7f2b50084790>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7f2b50084820>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7f2b500848b0>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7f2b50084940>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7f2b500849d0>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7f2b50084a60>, 'flash_error': 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'get_site_statistics': <function get_site_statistics at 0x7f2b50087be0>, 'resource_formats': <function resource_formats at 0x7f2b50087d00>, 'unified_resource_format': <function unified_resource_format at 0x7f2b50087d90>, 'check_config_permission': <function check_config_permission at 0x7f2b50087e20>, 'get_organization': <function get_organization at 0x7f2b50087eb0>, 'license_options': <function license_options at 0x7f2b50087f40>, 'get_translated': <function get_translated at 0x7f2b50088040>, 'facets': <function facets at 0x7f2b500880d0>, 'mail_to': <function mail_to at 0x7f2b50088160>, 'clean_html': <function clean_html at 0x7f2b500881f0>, 'flash': <function flash at 0x7f2b53c86170>, 'localised_number': <function localised_number at 0x7f2b50fe2320>, 'localised_SI_number': <function localised_SI_number at 0x7f2b50fe2440>, 'localised_nice_date': <function localised_nice_date at 0x7f2b50fe2290>, 'localised_filesize': <function localised_filesize at 0x7f2b50fe23b0>, 'plugin_loaded': 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0x7f2b4f4b2560>, 'datastore_dictionary': <function datastore_dictionary at 0x7f2b4f507250>, 'datapusher_status': <function datapusher_status at 0x7f2b4f559360>, 'datapusher_status_description': <function datapusher_status_description at 0x7f2b4f5593f0>, 'spark_all_packages': <function all_packages at 0x7f2b4f55a170>, 'spark_featured_datasets': <function featured_datasets at 0x7f2b4f55a290>, 'spark_popular_datasets': <function popular_datasets at 0x7f2b4f55a320>, 'spark_groups': <function all_groups at 0x7f2b4f55a3b0>} |
query | '' |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1738926362.1592474, '_creation_time': 1738926362.1592474, '_fresh': False, '_csrf_token': 'fda5993698910a1124887827a63d6038e92bb4d5'} |
type | 'group' |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7f2b51e20310> |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
count | 0 |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7f2b4fe10b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7f2b3d7328c0> |
form_id | 'group-search-form' |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7f2b50084040>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7f2b500840d0>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7f2b500841f0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7f2b50084310>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7f2b500843a0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7f2b50084430>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7f2b50084550>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7f2b500845e0>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7f2b50084670>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7f2b50084700>, 'strxfrm': <function strxfrm at 0x7f2b50084790>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7f2b50084820>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7f2b500848b0>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7f2b50084940>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7f2b500849d0>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7f2b50084a60>, 'flash_error': 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'get_site_statistics': <function get_site_statistics at 0x7f2b50087be0>, 'resource_formats': <function resource_formats at 0x7f2b50087d00>, 'unified_resource_format': <function unified_resource_format at 0x7f2b50087d90>, 'check_config_permission': <function check_config_permission at 0x7f2b50087e20>, 'get_organization': <function get_organization at 0x7f2b50087eb0>, 'license_options': <function license_options at 0x7f2b50087f40>, 'get_translated': <function get_translated at 0x7f2b50088040>, 'facets': <function facets at 0x7f2b500880d0>, 'mail_to': <function mail_to at 0x7f2b50088160>, 'clean_html': <function clean_html at 0x7f2b500881f0>, 'flash': <function flash at 0x7f2b53c86170>, 'localised_number': <function localised_number at 0x7f2b50fe2320>, 'localised_SI_number': <function localised_SI_number at 0x7f2b50fe2440>, 'localised_nice_date': <function localised_nice_date at 0x7f2b50fe2290>, 'localised_filesize': <function localised_filesize at 0x7f2b50fe23b0>, 'plugin_loaded': <function plugin_loaded at 0x7f2b515ebbe0>, 'get_available_locales': <function get_available_locales at 0x7f2b50fe1e10>, 'get_locales_dict': <function get_locales_dict at 0x7f2b50fe1d80>, 'literal': <class 'ckan.lib.helpers.literal'>, 'asbool': <function asbool at 0x7f2b51e20d30>, 'urlencode': <function urlencode at 0x7f2b54fe63b0>, 'include_asset': <function include_asset at 0x7f2b500779a0>, 'render_assets': <function render_assets at 0x7f2b50077ac0>, 'sanitize_id': <function sanitize_id at 0x7f2b50088310>, 'get_collaborators': <function get_collaborators at 0x7f2b500883a0>, 'can_update_owner_org': <function can_update_owner_org at 0x7f2b50088430>, 'decode_view_request_filters': <function decode_view_request_filters at 0x7f2b500884c0>, 'check_ckan_version': <function check_ckan_version at 0x7f2b50088550>, 'csrf_input': <function csrf_input at 0x7f2b50088670>, 'get_map_config': <function get_mapview_config at 0x7f2b4f4b24d0>, 'get_dataproxy_url': <function get_dataproxy_url at 0x7f2b4f4b2560>, 'datastore_dictionary': <function datastore_dictionary at 0x7f2b4f507250>, 'datapusher_status': <function datapusher_status at 0x7f2b4f559360>, 'datapusher_status_description': <function datapusher_status_description at 0x7f2b4f5593f0>, 'spark_all_packages': <function all_packages at 0x7f2b4f55a170>, 'spark_featured_datasets': <function featured_datasets at 0x7f2b4f55a290>, 'spark_popular_datasets': <function popular_datasets at 0x7f2b4f55a320>, 'spark_groups': <function all_groups at 0x7f2b4f55a3b0>} |
no_bottom_border | Undefined |
placeholder | Markup('Search groups...') |
query | '' |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1738926362.1592474, '_creation_time': 1738926362.1592474, '_fresh': False, '_csrf_token': 'fda5993698910a1124887827a63d6038e92bb4d5'} |
show_empty | ImmutableMultiDict([]) |
sorting | [(Markup('Name Ascending'), 'title asc'), (Markup('Name Descending'), 'title desc')] |
sorting_selected | None |
type | 'group' |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7f2b51e20310> |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7f2b4fe10b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7f2b3d7328c0> |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7f2b50084040>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7f2b500840d0>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7f2b500841f0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7f2b50084310>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7f2b500843a0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7f2b50084430>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7f2b50084550>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7f2b500845e0>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7f2b50084670>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7f2b50084700>, 'strxfrm': <function strxfrm at 0x7f2b50084790>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7f2b50084820>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7f2b500848b0>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7f2b50084940>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7f2b500849d0>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7f2b50084a60>, 'flash_error': 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0x7f2b4f4b2560>, 'datastore_dictionary': <function datastore_dictionary at 0x7f2b4f507250>, 'datapusher_status': <function datapusher_status at 0x7f2b4f559360>, 'datapusher_status_description': <function datapusher_status_description at 0x7f2b4f5593f0>, 'spark_all_packages': <function all_packages at 0x7f2b4f55a170>, 'spark_featured_datasets': <function featured_datasets at 0x7f2b4f55a290>, 'spark_popular_datasets': <function popular_datasets at 0x7f2b4f55a320>, 'spark_groups': <function all_groups at 0x7f2b4f55a3b0>} |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1738926362.1592474, '_creation_time': 1738926362.1592474, '_fresh': False, '_csrf_token': 'fda5993698910a1124887827a63d6038e92bb4d5'} |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7f2b51e20310> |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7f2b4fe10b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7f2b3d7328c0> |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7f2b50084040>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7f2b500840d0>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7f2b500841f0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7f2b50084310>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7f2b500843a0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7f2b50084430>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7f2b50084550>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7f2b500845e0>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7f2b50084670>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7f2b50084700>, 'strxfrm': <function strxfrm at 0x7f2b50084790>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7f2b50084820>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7f2b500848b0>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7f2b50084940>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7f2b500849d0>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7f2b50084a60>, 'flash_error': 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0x7f2b50085750>, 'check_access': <function check_access at 0x7f2b500857e0>, 'linked_user': <function linked_user at 0x7f2b50085870>, 'group_name_to_title': <function group_name_to_title at 0x7f2b50085900>, 'wrapped': <function deprecated.<locals>.decorator.<locals>.wrapped at 0x7f2b50085ab0>, 'markdown_extract': <function markdown_extract at 0x7f2b50085990>, 'dict_list_reduce': <function dict_list_reduce at 0x7f2b50085b40>, 'gravatar': <function gravatar at 0x7f2b50085bd0>, 'sanitize_url': <function sanitize_url at 0x7f2b50085c60>, 'user_image': <function user_image at 0x7f2b50085cf0>, 'pager_url': <function pager_url at 0x7f2b50085d80>, 'get_page_number': <function get_page_number at 0x7f2b50085e10>, 'get_display_timezone': <function get_display_timezone at 0x7f2b50085ea0>, 'render_datetime': <function render_datetime at 0x7f2b50085f30>, 'date_str_to_datetime': <function date_str_to_datetime at 0x7f2b50085fc0>, 'parse_rfc_2822_date': <function parse_rfc_2822_date at 0x7f2b50086050>, 'time_ago_from_timestamp': <function time_ago_from_timestamp at 0x7f2b500860e0>, 'dataset_display_name': <function dataset_display_name at 0x7f2b500863b0>, 'dataset_link': <function dataset_link at 0x7f2b50086440>, 'resource_display_name': <function resource_display_name at 0x7f2b500864d0>, 'resource_link': <function resource_link at 0x7f2b50086560>, 'tag_link': <function tag_link at 0x7f2b500865f0>, 'group_link': <function group_link at 0x7f2b50086680>, 'organization_link': <function organization_link at 0x7f2b50086710>, 'dump_json': <function dump_json at 0x7f2b500867a0>, 'snippet': <function snippet at 0x7f2b50086830>, 'convert_to_dict': <function convert_to_dict at 0x7f2b500868c0>, 'follow_button': <function follow_button at 0x7f2b50086950>, 'follow_count': <function follow_count at 0x7f2b500869e0>, 'add_url_param': <function add_url_param at 0x7f2b50086b00>, 'remove_url_param': <function remove_url_param at 0x7f2b50086b90>, 'debug_inspect': <function debug_inspect at 0x7f2b50086c20>, 'popular': <function popular at 0x7f2b50086cb0>, 'groups_available': <function groups_available at 0x7f2b50086d40>, 'organizations_available': <function organizations_available at 0x7f2b50086dd0>, 'roles_translated': <function roles_translated at 0x7f2b50086e60>, 'user_in_org_or_group': <function user_in_org_or_group at 0x7f2b50086ef0>, 'escape_js': <function escape_js at 0x7f2b50086f80>, 'get_pkg_dict_extra': <function get_pkg_dict_extra at 0x7f2b50087010>, 'get_request_param': <function get_request_param at 0x7f2b500870a0>, 'html_auto_link': <function html_auto_link at 0x7f2b50087130>, 'render_markdown': <function render_markdown at 0x7f2b500871c0>, 'format_resource_items': <function format_resource_items at 0x7f2b50087250>, 'get_allowed_view_types': <function get_allowed_view_types at 0x7f2b500872e0>, 'rendered_resource_view': <function rendered_resource_view at 0x7f2b50087370>, 'view_resource_url': <function view_resource_url at 0x7f2b50087400>, 'resource_view_is_filterable': <function resource_view_is_filterable at 0x7f2b50087490>, 'resource_view_get_fields': <function resource_view_get_fields at 0x7f2b50087520>, 'resource_view_is_iframed': <function resource_view_is_iframed at 0x7f2b500875b0>, 'resource_view_icon': <function resource_view_icon at 0x7f2b50087640>, 'resource_view_display_preview': <function resource_view_display_preview at 0x7f2b500876d0>, 'resource_view_full_page': <function resource_view_full_page at 0x7f2b50087760>, 'remove_linebreaks': <function remove_linebreaks at 0x7f2b500877f0>, 'list_dict_filter': <function list_dict_filter at 0x7f2b50087880>, 'SI_number_span': <function SI_number_span at 0x7f2b50087910>, 'uploads_enabled': <function uploads_enabled at 0x7f2b500879a0>, 'get_featured_organizations': <function get_featured_organizations at 0x7f2b50087a30>, 'get_featured_groups': <function get_featured_groups at 0x7f2b50087ac0>, 'featured_group_org': <function featured_group_org at 0x7f2b50087b50>, 'get_site_statistics': <function get_site_statistics at 0x7f2b50087be0>, 'resource_formats': <function resource_formats at 0x7f2b50087d00>, 'unified_resource_format': <function unified_resource_format at 0x7f2b50087d90>, 'check_config_permission': <function check_config_permission at 0x7f2b50087e20>, 'get_organization': <function get_organization at 0x7f2b50087eb0>, 'license_options': <function license_options at 0x7f2b50087f40>, 'get_translated': <function get_translated at 0x7f2b50088040>, 'facets': <function facets at 0x7f2b500880d0>, 'mail_to': <function mail_to at 0x7f2b50088160>, 'clean_html': <function clean_html at 0x7f2b500881f0>, 'flash': <function flash at 0x7f2b53c86170>, 'localised_number': <function localised_number at 0x7f2b50fe2320>, 'localised_SI_number': <function localised_SI_number at 0x7f2b50fe2440>, 'localised_nice_date': <function localised_nice_date at 0x7f2b50fe2290>, 'localised_filesize': <function localised_filesize at 0x7f2b50fe23b0>, 'plugin_loaded': <function plugin_loaded at 0x7f2b515ebbe0>, 'get_available_locales': <function get_available_locales at 0x7f2b50fe1e10>, 'get_locales_dict': <function get_locales_dict at 0x7f2b50fe1d80>, 'literal': <class 'ckan.lib.helpers.literal'>, 'asbool': <function asbool at 0x7f2b51e20d30>, 'urlencode': <function urlencode at 0x7f2b54fe63b0>, 'include_asset': <function include_asset at 0x7f2b500779a0>, 'render_assets': <function render_assets at 0x7f2b50077ac0>, 'sanitize_id': <function sanitize_id at 0x7f2b50088310>, 'get_collaborators': <function get_collaborators at 0x7f2b500883a0>, 'can_update_owner_org': <function can_update_owner_org at 0x7f2b50088430>, 'decode_view_request_filters': <function decode_view_request_filters at 0x7f2b500884c0>, 'check_ckan_version': <function check_ckan_version at 0x7f2b50088550>, 'csrf_input': <function csrf_input at 0x7f2b50088670>, 'get_map_config': <function get_mapview_config at 0x7f2b4f4b24d0>, 'get_dataproxy_url': <function get_dataproxy_url at 0x7f2b4f4b2560>, 'datastore_dictionary': <function datastore_dictionary at 0x7f2b4f507250>, 'datapusher_status': <function datapusher_status at 0x7f2b4f559360>, 'datapusher_status_description': <function datapusher_status_description at 0x7f2b4f5593f0>, 'spark_all_packages': <function all_packages at 0x7f2b4f55a170>, 'spark_featured_datasets': <function featured_datasets at 0x7f2b4f55a290>, 'spark_popular_datasets': <function popular_datasets at 0x7f2b4f55a320>, 'spark_groups': <function all_groups at 0x7f2b4f55a3b0>} |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1738926362.1592474, '_creation_time': 1738926362.1592474, '_fresh': False, '_csrf_token': 'fda5993698910a1124887827a63d6038e92bb4d5'} |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7f2b51e20310> |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
csrf_token | <function generate_csrf at 0x7f2b4fe10b80> |
current_user | <ckan.model.user.AnonymousUser object at 0x7f2b3d7328c0> |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
group_type | 'group' |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7f2b50084040>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7f2b500840d0>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7f2b500841f0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7f2b50084310>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7f2b500843a0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7f2b50084430>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7f2b50084550>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7f2b500845e0>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7f2b50084670>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7f2b50084700>, 'strxfrm': <function strxfrm at 0x7f2b50084790>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7f2b50084820>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7f2b500848b0>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7f2b50084940>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7f2b500849d0>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7f2b50084a60>, 'flash_error': <function flash_error at 0x7f2b50084af0>, 'flash_success': <function flash_success at 0x7f2b50084b80>, 'get_flashed_messages': <function get_flashed_messages at 0x7f2b50084c10>, 'link_to': <function link_to at 0x7f2b50084e50>, 'nav_link': <function nav_link at 0x7f2b50084ee0>, 'build_nav_main': <function build_nav_main at 0x7f2b50084f70>, 'build_nav_icon': <function build_nav_icon at 0x7f2b50085000>, 'build_nav': <function build_nav at 0x7f2b50085090>, 'build_extra_admin_nav': <function build_extra_admin_nav at 0x7f2b500851b0>, 'default_group_type': <function default_group_type at 0x7f2b500852d0>, 'default_package_type': <function default_package_type at 0x7f2b50085360>, 'humanize_entity_type': <function humanize_entity_type at 0x7f2b50085480>, 'get_facet_items_dict': <function get_facet_items_dict at 0x7f2b50085510>, 'has_more_facets': <function has_more_facets at 0x7f2b500855a0>, 'get_param_int': <function get_param_int at 0x7f2b50085630>, 'sorted_extras': <function sorted_extras at 0x7f2b50085750>, 'check_access': <function check_access at 0x7f2b500857e0>, 'linked_user': <function linked_user at 0x7f2b50085870>, 'group_name_to_title': <function group_name_to_title at 0x7f2b50085900>, 'wrapped': <function deprecated.<locals>.decorator.<locals>.wrapped at 0x7f2b50085ab0>, 'markdown_extract': <function markdown_extract at 0x7f2b50085990>, 'dict_list_reduce': <function dict_list_reduce at 0x7f2b50085b40>, 'gravatar': <function gravatar at 0x7f2b50085bd0>, 'sanitize_url': <function sanitize_url at 0x7f2b50085c60>, 'user_image': <function user_image at 0x7f2b50085cf0>, 'pager_url': <function pager_url at 0x7f2b50085d80>, 'get_page_number': <function get_page_number at 0x7f2b50085e10>, 'get_display_timezone': <function get_display_timezone at 0x7f2b50085ea0>, 'render_datetime': <function render_datetime at 0x7f2b50085f30>, 'date_str_to_datetime': <function date_str_to_datetime at 0x7f2b50085fc0>, 'parse_rfc_2822_date': <function parse_rfc_2822_date at 0x7f2b50086050>, 'time_ago_from_timestamp': <function time_ago_from_timestamp at 0x7f2b500860e0>, 'dataset_display_name': <function dataset_display_name at 0x7f2b500863b0>, 'dataset_link': <function dataset_link at 0x7f2b50086440>, 'resource_display_name': <function resource_display_name at 0x7f2b500864d0>, 'resource_link': <function resource_link at 0x7f2b50086560>, 'tag_link': <function tag_link at 0x7f2b500865f0>, 'group_link': <function group_link at 0x7f2b50086680>, 'organization_link': <function organization_link at 0x7f2b50086710>, 'dump_json': <function dump_json at 0x7f2b500867a0>, 'snippet': <function snippet at 0x7f2b50086830>, 'convert_to_dict': <function convert_to_dict at 0x7f2b500868c0>, 'follow_button': <function follow_button at 0x7f2b50086950>, 'follow_count': <function follow_count at 0x7f2b500869e0>, 'add_url_param': <function add_url_param at 0x7f2b50086b00>, 'remove_url_param': <function remove_url_param at 0x7f2b50086b90>, 'debug_inspect': <function debug_inspect at 0x7f2b50086c20>, 'popular': <function popular at 0x7f2b50086cb0>, 'groups_available': <function groups_available at 0x7f2b50086d40>, 'organizations_available': <function organizations_available at 0x7f2b50086dd0>, 'roles_translated': <function roles_translated at 0x7f2b50086e60>, 'user_in_org_or_group': <function user_in_org_or_group at 0x7f2b50086ef0>, 'escape_js': <function escape_js at 0x7f2b50086f80>, 'get_pkg_dict_extra': <function get_pkg_dict_extra at 0x7f2b50087010>, 'get_request_param': <function get_request_param at 0x7f2b500870a0>, 'html_auto_link': <function html_auto_link at 0x7f2b50087130>, 'render_markdown': <function render_markdown at 0x7f2b500871c0>, 'format_resource_items': <function format_resource_items at 0x7f2b50087250>, 'get_allowed_view_types': <function get_allowed_view_types at 0x7f2b500872e0>, 'rendered_resource_view': <function rendered_resource_view at 0x7f2b50087370>, 'view_resource_url': <function view_resource_url at 0x7f2b50087400>, 'resource_view_is_filterable': <function resource_view_is_filterable at 0x7f2b50087490>, 'resource_view_get_fields': <function resource_view_get_fields at 0x7f2b50087520>, 'resource_view_is_iframed': <function resource_view_is_iframed at 0x7f2b500875b0>, 'resource_view_icon': <function resource_view_icon at 0x7f2b50087640>, 'resource_view_display_preview': <function resource_view_display_preview at 0x7f2b500876d0>, 'resource_view_full_page': <function resource_view_full_page at 0x7f2b50087760>, 'remove_linebreaks': <function remove_linebreaks at 0x7f2b500877f0>, 'list_dict_filter': <function list_dict_filter at 0x7f2b50087880>, 'SI_number_span': <function SI_number_span at 0x7f2b50087910>, 'uploads_enabled': <function uploads_enabled at 0x7f2b500879a0>, 'get_featured_organizations': <function get_featured_organizations at 0x7f2b50087a30>, 'get_featured_groups': <function get_featured_groups at 0x7f2b50087ac0>, 'featured_group_org': <function featured_group_org at 0x7f2b50087b50>, 'get_site_statistics': <function get_site_statistics at 0x7f2b50087be0>, 'resource_formats': <function resource_formats at 0x7f2b50087d00>, 'unified_resource_format': <function unified_resource_format at 0x7f2b50087d90>, 'check_config_permission': <function check_config_permission at 0x7f2b50087e20>, 'get_organization': <function get_organization at 0x7f2b50087eb0>, 'license_options': <function license_options at 0x7f2b50087f40>, 'get_translated': <function get_translated at 0x7f2b50088040>, 'facets': <function facets at 0x7f2b500880d0>, 'mail_to': <function mail_to at 0x7f2b50088160>, 'clean_html': <function clean_html at 0x7f2b500881f0>, 'flash': <function flash at 0x7f2b53c86170>, 'localised_number': <function localised_number at 0x7f2b50fe2320>, 'localised_SI_number': <function localised_SI_number at 0x7f2b50fe2440>, 'localised_nice_date': <function localised_nice_date at 0x7f2b50fe2290>, 'localised_filesize': <function localised_filesize at 0x7f2b50fe23b0>, 'plugin_loaded': <function plugin_loaded at 0x7f2b515ebbe0>, 'get_available_locales': <function get_available_locales at 0x7f2b50fe1e10>, 'get_locales_dict': <function get_locales_dict at 0x7f2b50fe1d80>, 'literal': <class 'ckan.lib.helpers.literal'>, 'asbool': <function asbool at 0x7f2b51e20d30>, 'urlencode': <function urlencode at 0x7f2b54fe63b0>, 'include_asset': <function include_asset at 0x7f2b500779a0>, 'render_assets': <function render_assets at 0x7f2b50077ac0>, 'sanitize_id': <function sanitize_id at 0x7f2b50088310>, 'get_collaborators': <function get_collaborators at 0x7f2b500883a0>, 'can_update_owner_org': <function can_update_owner_org at 0x7f2b50088430>, 'decode_view_request_filters': <function decode_view_request_filters at 0x7f2b500884c0>, 'check_ckan_version': <function check_ckan_version at 0x7f2b50088550>, 'csrf_input': <function csrf_input at 0x7f2b50088670>, 'get_map_config': <function get_mapview_config at 0x7f2b4f4b24d0>, 'get_dataproxy_url': <function get_dataproxy_url at 0x7f2b4f4b2560>, 'datastore_dictionary': <function datastore_dictionary at 0x7f2b4f507250>, 'datapusher_status': <function datapusher_status at 0x7f2b4f559360>, 'datapusher_status_description': <function datapusher_status_description at 0x7f2b4f5593f0>, 'spark_all_packages': <function all_packages at 0x7f2b4f55a170>, 'spark_featured_datasets': <function featured_datasets at 0x7f2b4f55a290>, 'spark_popular_datasets': <function popular_datasets at 0x7f2b4f55a320>, 'spark_groups': <function all_groups at 0x7f2b4f55a3b0>} |
page | Page: Collection type: <class 'list'> (Current) page: 1 First item: None Last item: None First page: 0 Last page: 0 Previous page: None Next page: None Items per page: 20 Number of items: 0 Number of pages: 0 |
q | '' |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1738926362.1592474, '_creation_time': 1738926362.1592474, '_fresh': False, '_csrf_token': 'fda5993698910a1124887827a63d6038e92bb4d5'} |
sort_by_selected | None |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7f2b51e20310> |
The toolbar was unable to fetch the SQLAlchemy queries for this request. To enable the SQLAlchemy query display, please:
The Flask-SQLAlchemy extension needs to be configured for this application. Please see the Flask-SQLAlchemy documentation for details.
No messages logged.
URL route | Endpoint name | HTTP methods | Is alias | Redirect to |
/ | home.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/<path:filename> | static | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/about | home.about | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/ | api.get_api | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=2):ver>/i18n/<lang> | api.i18n_js_translations | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=2):ver>/util/dataset/autocomplete | api.dataset_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=2):ver>/util/group/autocomplete | api.group_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=2):ver>/util/organization/autocomplete | api.organization_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=2):ver>/util/resource/format_autocomplete | api.format_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=2):ver>/util/snippet/<snippet_path> | api.snippet | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=2):ver>/util/tag/autocomplete | api.tag_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=2):ver>/util/user/autocomplete | api.user_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=3):ver> | api.get_api | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=3, max=3):ver>/action/<logic_function> | api.action | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/api/action/<logic_function> | api.action | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/api/i18n/<lang> | api.i18n_js_translations | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/dataset/autocomplete | api.dataset_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/group/autocomplete | api.group_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/organization/autocomplete | api.organization_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/resource/format_autocomplete | api.format_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/snippet/<snippet_path> | api.snippet | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/tag/autocomplete | api.tag_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/user/autocomplete | api.user_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/ckan-admin/ | admin.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/ckan-admin/config | admin.config | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/ckan-admin/reset_config | admin.reset_config | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/ckan-admin/trash | admin.trash | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dashboard/datasets | dashboard.datasets | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dashboard/groups | dashboard.groups | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dashboard/organizations | dashboard.organizations | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/ | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/dictionary/<resource_id> | datastore.dictionary | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/delete | resource.delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/delete | dataset_resource.delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/download | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/download | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/download/<filename> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/download/<filename> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/edit | resource.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/edit | dataset_resource.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/edit_view/<view_id> | resource.edit_view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/edit_view/<view_id> | dataset_resource.edit_view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/new_view | resource.edit_view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/new_view | dataset_resource.edit_view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/view | resource.view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/view | dataset_resource.view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/view/<view_id> | resource.view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/view/<view_id> | dataset_resource.view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/views | resource.views | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/views | dataset_resource.views | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource_data/<resource_id> | datapusher.resource_data | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/delete/<id> | dataset.delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/edit/<id> | dataset.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/follow/<id> | dataset.follow | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/followers/<id> | dataset.followers | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/groups/<id> | dataset.groups | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/resources/<id> | dataset.resources | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/unfollow/<id> | dataset.unfollow | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/datastore/dump/<resource_id> | datastore.dump | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/feeds/custom.atom | feeds.custom | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/feeds/dataset.atom | feeds.general | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/feeds/group/<string:id>.atom | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/feeds/organization/<string:id>.atom | feeds.organization | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/feeds/tag/<string:id>.atom | feeds.tag | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/group/ | group.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/group/<id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/group/about/<id> | group.about | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/group/admins/<id> | group.admins | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/bulk_process/<id> | group.bulk_process | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/delete/<id> | group.delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/edit/<id> | group.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/follow/<id> | group.follow | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/followers/<id> | group.followers | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/member_delete/<id> | group.member_delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/member_new/<id> | group.member_new | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/members/<id> | group.members | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/unfollow/<id> | group.unfollow | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/no/ | home.redirect_locale | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/no/<path:path> | home.redirect_locale | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/organization/ | organization.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/organization/<id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/organization/about/<id> | organization.about | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/organization/admins/<id> | organization.admins | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/bulk_process/<id> | organization.bulk_process | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/delete/<id> | organization.delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/edit/<id> | organization.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/follow/<id> | organization.follow | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/followers/<id> | organization.followers | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/member_delete/<id> | organization.member_delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/member_new/<id> | organization.member_new | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/members/<id> | organization.members | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/unfollow/<id> | organization.unfollow | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/robots.txt | home.robots_txt | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/testing/primer | util.primer | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/ | user.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/<id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/<id>/api-tokens | user.api_tokens | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/<id>/api-tokens/<jti>/revoke | user.api_token_revoke | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/_logout | user.logout | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/delete/<id> | user.delete | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/edit | user.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/edit/<id> | user.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/follow/<id> | user.follow | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/followers/<id> | user.followers | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/logged_out_redirect | user.logged_out_page | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/login | user.login | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/me | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/register | user.register | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/reset | user.request_reset | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/reset/<id> | user.perform_reset | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/sysadmin | user.sysadmin | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/unfollow/<id> | user.unfollow | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/util/redirect | util.internal_redirect | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/webassets/<path:path> | webassets.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/zh_CN/ | home.redirect_locale | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/zh_CN/<path:path> | home.redirect_locale | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/zh_TW/ | home.redirect_locale | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/zh_TW/<path:path> | home.redirect_locale | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
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